> How many "Global Warming/Climate Change" hysterics can you recognize in this 1 article?

How many "Global Warming/Climate Change" hysterics can you recognize in this 1 article?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What's really sad is that all this propaganda is being paid for with our tax dollars and has been for more than 30 years. They just keep on predicting doom and gloom and when it doesn't happen, they just screech louder.


Just for Kano:

1) "California has been hit by a prolonged drought" - (like it has never happened before?)

2) "that caused widespread water shortages" - (not in California)

3) "could end up costing cost the agriculture $1.5 billion in losses this year" - (food prices 100 years ago were how much?)

4) "The latest soaker was a welcome reprieve but water managers are not yet calling it a drought buster." - (of course not)

5) "the prospect of extreme wildfires" - (according to whom?)

6) "This is an event. It is not a pattern." - (patterns in climate are far and few)

7) "rainfall on Dec. 2 in downtown Los Angeles was 1.21 inches, setting a new record for that date" - (How many records are actually accurate for that area 75 years ago?)

8) "The Los Angeles International Airport recorded a record-breaking 1.12 inches of rainfall on Dec. 2, beating the 1966 record of 0.73 inches. ... " - (... and the record in 1939 in the exact same 1" rainfall gauge at the exact same spot was what?)

Very Scary!

I guess it takes at least 2 events to make a pattern. Our second event is coming Friday. Hopefully we will get more rain. LA has always had droughts and they have always ended. Only an idiot would think this one is somehow different.

Sorry Zippi but I don't see much wrong with this article, I do not see globalwarming/climate change mentioned, maybe I can feel a slight underlying dissapoinment that the rain has spoiled the AGW extreme drought argument, but that might just be my imagination.

Better to be realistic than apathetic.

i recognize the hysteric response of deniers

some people behave differently in face of reality.

Just yours.


" ... California has been hit by a prolonged drought that caused widespread water shortages and could end up costing cost the agriculture $1.5 billion in losses this year. The latest soaker was a welcome reprieve but water managers are not yet calling it a drought buster.

Bill Patzert, a climatologist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said the heavy rains should, however, tamp down "the prospect of extreme wildfires when the Santa Ana winds are expected to return shortly."

Patzert described the storm as a "pineapple express of tropical origin" that met up with a low-pressure system off the coast.

"It is warmer moisture - like a fire hose aimed at us from the south of Hawaii," Patzert said. "This is an event. It is not a pattern."

According to the National Weather Service office in Los Angeles, rainfall on Dec. 2 in downtown Los Angeles was 1.21 inches, setting a new record for that date. The previous record was 1.10 inches that fell in 1961. The Los Angeles International Airport recorded a record-breaking 1.12 inches of rainfall on Dec. 2, beating the 1966 record of 0.73 inches. ... "