> How is global warming a bad thing?

How is global warming a bad thing?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Hello Edbert,

Climate change brings both positive and negative consequences, for some people it will be a good thing and for others it will be bad.

When everything is taken into consideration then the negatives outweigh the positives. The people who are least affected by global warming are those living in the more affluent nations, they’ve caused almost all of the problem but aren’t going to suffer many of the consequences.

It’s the poorer nations, particularly those in Africa and Asia, that are already succumbing to the worst effects of global warming with many, many millions already affected by water shortages, crop failures, disrupted weather patterns, the spread of disease etc.

The last question I answered looked at many of the negative impacts of global warming, it’s here:


Here is a list of some of the benefits of global warming…

? Many plant and animal species thrive in warmer conditions.

? Changing weather patterns have brought increased rainfall to previously drought prone areas. Conversely, some areas that were susceptible to flooding now receive less rainfall.

? The melting of permafrost, particularly in Siberia, has opened up extensive tracts of new land. In Siberia a million square kilometres of previously frozen ground now provides potential for agricultural and farming land.

? In countries with cooler climates the warmer conditions are more conducive to human health and reduce instances of hypothermia and other cold related conditions.

? Warmer conditions now enable farmers to plant crops earlier in the year, similarly they are also being harvested earlier. In some places, most notably the tropical and equatorial regions, it is now possible to obtain two harvests a year in areas that previously only produced one.

? As the climate warms it has enabled forestry companies to plant trees at higher altitudes. Trees don’t grow well in cold climates but nowadays treelines are some 50 metres higher than they were previously.

? For the same reasons as above, farmers are now able to utilise higher altitude land as pasture for their livestock.

? Warmer conditions mean that in general, we use less power to heat our homes and offices. Good for the environment and good for our bank balances.

? Manufacturers of seasonal products and services have seen sales increase. Everything from toy buckets and spades to sunscreen to pairs of shorts and barbecue sets.

? In some places glaciers are now melting all year round, previously during the winter season they stopped melting. This has brought reliable water supplies to communities living further down the mountainsides. Millions of people in Asia have benefited from this.

? The scientific study of climate change has greatly expanded our understanding of atmospherics and this has brought benefits to a wide range of other sciences, from weather forecasting to space missions.

? With temperatures in parts of Antarctica rising rapidly this has opened up the possibility of utilising the land for agricultural purposes. Grass has started growing in some places, in time it’s possible that crops could be planted.

? The northwest passage opened up to shipping enabling vessels to sail unhindered around the north of Canada thus significantly reducing journey distances and times. The northeast passage (northern sea-route) around the top of Russia may also be fully opened, until recently any vessels had to follow an ice-breaker, today this isn’t necessary.

? As the climate warms there is less need to fell trees for firewood, this in itself is good for the environment and slows down the onset of global warming.

? The need to reduce emissions has provided an incentive to adopt alternative fuels and power sources leading to technological advances and a more extensive use of clean, renewable energy. This reduces pollution as a whole and helps to conserve finite resources such as oil and gas.

? Many economies have benefited, especially those that have adopted greener technologies. For example, the Japanese car manufacturers are now the global leaders because the worldwide demand is for more fuel-efficient vehicles, something that the likes of Toyota identified years ago and so adapted to.

? Less snowfall and icy conditions has resulted in fewer road traffic accidents and fewer injuries arising from trips and falls. There are also less costs involved with clearing roads, spreading salt and grit etc.

? The Arctic sea-ice has, and is, receding to record low levels and thus makes it easier for oil exploration and extraction in this part of the world. The Russians recently planted their flag on the Arctic sea-bed and laid claim to this territory; although this was more symbolic than anything else.

? Similarly, with half the world’s glaciers having melted this has revealed hitherto inaccessible mineral deposits.

It isn't a bad thing, because without the warming the globe would be covered with ice. Global warming restores temperate climates and ends Ice Ages that happen in cycles.

Coastal flooding didn't happen where I live, and the alarmists have been preaching it for over 30 years. I live less than a half mile from the beach, and nothing has changed in all the years that I've been here. The mean ocean temperature and the mean ocean level is the same now as it was in 1976 when I moved here.

Human caused Climate Change is a hoax running on politics, not observable science. Scientists that know better are blackmailed into going along with the scam to protect their reputations and lively hood.

Global Warming ended in 2012 after 36-1/2 years. Satelite reports confirmed its over. Mike

Global warming is bad because it makes the sea rise and once the sea rises, the water fills many low land islands. Global warming also results to acid rain which destroys many forests. Wild fires are also a result of global warming.

Good point, even IPCC contributing scientists say up to 2C warming could be beneficial.

We know that food crop production is increasing, longer growing days and CO2 fertilization is helping.

Global tide gauges show only 1.75mm sea level rise, we also know hurricane numbers are down, what causes flooding 1.75mm or hurricane storm surges.

Polar bear numbers are increasing, ice is not a factor in bear survival hunting is, not that we need more bears.

We also know that deserts are receding and our planet is getting greener http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/201...

it effects the natural operations and functions geographically from animals to plants. it also changes the landscape and atmosphere. global warming as it is projected is only a money maker from grant funds.

God told us in His word that He would not change the seasons.

As climate changes, areas for growing important crops may become unusable. We expect this to cause hundreds of millions of people to slip into hunger as this happens. In addition to the toll in human lives and human misery, the social uprisings will disrupt economies and food supplies all over the world.

This is just one tiny problem of climate change.

It has harmful effects, causingthe sea level to rise and many natural disastersto strike.

I think global warming would be way good if it meant you were claimed by it.

I now it's a big deal, but i'm thinking that the benefits,(more habitable land, more plant growth, ect.) out way the risks,(possible loss of the only bear that will eat Humans :) ). Really, the only major problem I see is the possible flooding of costal cities/towns. What do you think? Am I missing anything, do you agree? Let me know. :)