> What is the fullname of html?

What is the fullname of html?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The US government created the Standardized Generalized Markup Language so that all government texts could be inter-related and a modification of one text would result in all associated texts being suitably updated including the conclusions of the texts. It was a difficult language to learn and SGML editors were very expensive. Many companies at the time also tried to use SGML. But, programmers found they used only a small fraction of the commands most of the time, they wrote their own simple editors and viewers instead of waiting for the expensive corporate license to become available and they called it HTML or Hyper Text Markup Language, it wasn't similar enough for HTML documents to be valid SGML documents. There were actually more sophisticated competitors such as Apple's Hypercards which wasn't directly related to SGML which didn't take off because it was proprietary. When web browsers were created, HTML was used as it was an open standard. It's only now in HTML 5 that some of the features of it's predecessor and it's commercial competitors are becoming available. It's amazing how it's only when we took a significant step backwards in technology that people became aware of the concepts.

HTML : Hyper Text Markup Language, which is used for creating web pages and other information that can be displayed in a web browser.

HTML elements consisting of tags enclosed in angle brackets (like ), within the web page content.

with HTML we can create our own web site

Hyper text markup language

hyper text markup language.


Hypertext markup language

hyper text markup language

hyper text markup language. it is ahigh level programing language it is used for various purposes like creating webpages.

IT IS "" Hyper Text Markup Language !! IT IS FOR CREATING WEB PAGES !!!!

hypertext markup language

hyper text modulated language