> If there is global WARMING, why is it cold outside?

If there is global WARMING, why is it cold outside?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Please elaborate.

Day to day temperature fluctuations can be quite large. It might be "seasonably" cool at any given time or place. This is simply natural day to day, week to week and month to month variability. It has nothing to do with long term trend on the timescale of decades.

On top of that, warming over the Earth is not uniform so some places may actually cool while others warm and again this can vary over short times like yearly.

Think of it like being on a winning streak at a blackjack table in a casino. It might look good now but the overall trend will be losing. That's an example of short term variability that might fool you into disregarding the long term trends.

Despite its name, global warming doesn't specifically mean the atmosphere is becoming hotter. Instead, it really refers to increasingly drastic weather patterns, which in some cases means getting a lot colder than usual. Also, the world really is warming as a whole. Not too long ago, there was a "miniature ice age" (maybe 200 years ago?) and it's certainly warmer than it was.

Good question, but if you look at weather recordings from a few decades ago, it was much much colder everywhere and in warm countries in the East, it was much colder

that in my opinion is enough proof that global warming exists

GeoEngineering: The Basic Science of Cooler Summer and Frigid Winter – The Answer to the Scam of ‘If it’s ‘global warming’, why is it so cold?’ ChemTrails*

You are too ignorant for me to educate here- really.

Because our lord and savior SATAN is keeping it at a nice temperature for us

Please elaborate.