> How does global warming start?

How does global warming start?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Quote by Will Happer, Princeton University physicist, former Director of Energy Research at the Department of Energy: “I had the privilege of being fired by Al Gore, since I refused to go along with his alarmism....I have spent a long research career studying physics that is closely related to the greenhouse effect....Fears about man-made global warming are unwarranted and are not based on good science. The earth's climate is changing now, as it always has. There is no evidence that the changes differ in any qualitative way from those of the past.”

It starts when people get together and plan a scam.

Global warming statrs by the rise in the average temperature of Earth's climate system

Usually with changes in the Earth's orbit and with changes in its tilt.

Ice reflects some Sunlight, and CO2 keeps the Earth warmer, so they act as feedback.

In the last half century, the Sun is less bright, but man's CO2 is now initiating warming.

Globing warming starts because of different kinds of pollution.Day by day,the number of population is increasing so that nature itself cannot handle the situation of the environment.people are increasing and they are using maximum amount of natural resources so that resources are going to be exists,harmful gases,dust and dirt are coming out from different big factories so that global warming starts.

First you find a leftist. Then let the leftist figure out that if he can blame CO2 on all the world's problems, he can use our emissions of CO2 as a weapon in his fight against free markets and industry.

global warming is perpetrated by the LIBERAL PIGS you call DEMOCRAPS (haha). they want you to think that the globe is warming, yet it's the coldest it's been... whY?!?!?!?!?! because it's all a bunch of malarkey invented by monkey faced obama and al gore, who althought he didnt do anything, took credit for inventing the internet.

there's no such thing as global warming

co2 and other greenhouse gases build up and trap heat

or there'd be an ice age

with a whimper