> What species have suffered catastrophic consequences through AGW?

What species have suffered catastrophic consequences through AGW?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Isn't it funny the people that make these claims NEVER get around to telling us which species they are talking about --- do you think there may be a reason for that?

There was a study on extinction rates back in 2009. It states in the abstract the following:

"For 30 years some have suggested that extinctions through tropical forest loss are occurring at a rate of up to 100 species a day and yet less than 1,200 extinctions have been recorded in the last 400 years." http://www.griffith.edu.au/__data/assets...

Imagine that. Claims of up to a 100 species being lost a DAY --- yet in the last 400 years only 1,200 species have been placed on the extinct list. Obviously all the screeching about extinctions is just more Leftist propaganda.

There are many, many species that were declared extinct that were later found alive and well. Allow me to enter 108,000 instances of the phrase "Thought Extinct" into the record. https://search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=AjC...

Already in this thread someone has made the absurd claim that 3 species a week are going extinct. This is nothing more than parroting Leftist propaganda and there is not a shred of real evidence for it.


Only species suffering the most at the moment are liberal AGW cultists because there is no global warming and they're desperate. If people start to acknowledge that the entire AGW scheme is a fraud to scare the world population into implementing UN agenda 21 then AGW cultists may end up going extinct in the not too distant future.

AGW is catastrophic to the species homeless person because they are freezing to death from all the global warming, and if the EPA says something then (a little Monkees lingo) I'm a Believer

An endangered species in a niche environment would be: Scientificus Climaticus .

3 species a week are going EXTINCT . like gone forever .

There are rules to belonging to the cause.

The first rule is don't question anything.

Just relax and believe.

You are supposed to just assume that species are harmed.

Trying to use logic isn't going to get you any invitations to the Cause.

recently in an answer it was said that quote "AGW is already proving to be catastrophic for some species. Most assuredly for the species that lived within niche environments that began to collapse under warmer conditions"

What species would they be?