> Solutions to global warming?

Solutions to global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
you could look into carbon capture. There are also dreams of large scale shades in space or releasing aerosols high in the atmosphere or even iron filings into the oceans to absorb CO2- these are engineering solutions called geo-engineering with unknown side-effects.

the better way is to eventually stop burning fossil fuels and dumping more CO2 into the atmosphere. A carbon tax changes things a bit, but rich people will continue driving and pay the cost.

I'm more inclined to believe we will end up 'adaptation' - live with it and pay the cost of stronger storms, floods and droughts.

With the rising effects of pollution, we can't find a positive solution to reduce global warming. Before any kind of solution for global warming we should first conscious on our pollution control strategies.

You haven't stated the POV of your paper. Of your examples, one is a potential government policy, the other is an action that a specific company can take. Either start with one POV, ie intergovernmental, governmental, corporation, individual, or make your alternatives the differenent POVs, ie Government can create financial incentives for companies to reduce emmissions, Corporations can use technologies that capture CO2 (such as your algea idea), individuals can become more efficient and let their representatives know of your concerns.

As is, the start of your paper is confused. Get the outline, the theme and the POV. The individual examples will then come easily and fit into your outline.

Develop clean energy that is cheap enough so that other countries would flock to it. China will not agree to a carbon tax. India will not agree to a carbon tax. Brazil will not agree to a carbon tax. The developing world is responsible for the vast majority of CO2 emissions, so any carbon tax that causes a substantial increase in prices will not happen there.

You have been duped by the corrupt alarmist cabal.

"Model outputs published in successive IPCC reports since 1990 project a doubling of CO2 could cause warming of up to 6°C by 2100. Instead, global warming ceased around the end of the twentieth century and was followed (since 1997) by 16 years of stable temperature."

What global warming?

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

Before you write about solutions to global warming, you first have to prove we have global warming and that wont be easy seeing that temperatures have risen less than one degree in the last 150yrs

So I'm writing a research paper and I need to write solutions to global warming. I need 3 that have adequate support, for and against. I want to find a method that has some statistics behind it. I currently have 2, one being a carbon tax and one being using algae to filter CO2 released from tanks. I'm having trouble finding a 3rd solution that would be easy and interesting to write about, so if someone can help me that would be great!