> How many species can you name that have become extinct?

How many species can you name that have become extinct?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
because of global warming/climate change

Dogone, all the ones I was going to mention have popped up out there including that woodpecker that recently was found living gracefully in Arkansas in the United States as well as the Eastern Cougar and especially those frog eating slugs in South America. Turns out they were all living good and fruitful lives when they had been listed extinct before.

Over 90% of all species that have ever existed, many in which died due to climate change incidents such as the comings and goings of ice ages, the Paleocene-Eocene thermal maximum, and so on. I'm sure you can find some of the more recent ones here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IUCN_Red_Li...

Edit: So then you're round-a-bout claim is that animals can not become extinct due to man-made climate change but can become extinct due to natural climate change even though the current warming is much faster than the comings and goings of ice ages?

While species have gone extinct since the 1850s, it would be difficult to tie any of these extinctions directly to AGW. You could easily eliminate all of the ones that went extinct from man's over hunting, over fishing and environment destruction, but this is also a means of anthropogenic induced extinctions.

Tasmanian tiger, DoDo bird, Carrier Pigeon, Neanderthal Man, All have become extinct because of habitat change due to global warming which has gone on continuiously for ten thousand years.

Does snow count as a species?

I think Carl Sagan said it best "billions and billions'

it's way too early to tell considering the time scale.

because of global warming/climate change