> What Are The Environmental Affects Of Global Warming?

What Are The Environmental Affects Of Global Warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
How Does Global Warming affect The Planet we Live In...

Is It Doing anything To Our Planet a This Moment In Time...

Thanks To Whoever Answers

The polar ice caps are disappearing faster than any time we know of in history or prehistoric times. The ice caps reflect a lot of the Sun's heat back into space so as they disappear the Earth will warm even faster. It's important to remember that Global Warming means that the AVERAGE temperature on Earth is increasing. There will be places each year that are colder than normal and there may even be years where many places on Earth are colder than normal. But the trend is without a doubt up. The first results have already occurred. We've had three storms in the last five years that normally only happen every 150 years. Ocean levels are rising. A few islands have already had to be abandoned. New Orleans is six feet under sea level as are much of the Netherlands and other coastal communities. An additional slight rise in Ocean levels will annihilate them. Much of Florida is in danger. There will be droughts some places and people will starve. There will be persistent storms elsewhere where people will drown. Global Warming causes weather extremes, not just heat waves.

Unfortunately, what we are doing is affecting our planet. See, we put pollutants into the atmosphere. We put a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Now, "doubters" will say that that is not an extreme greenhouse gas, which is true. However, we cut down many trees in rain forests and plant crops there (which will ruin the fertility of the soil, but that's for another day). So, we also put cattle in areas we deforest. The cattle put a lot of methane into the air. So, we have added Carbon dioxide and methane to the atmosphere. So, the planet gets a little hotter. The water evaporates more often, making water vapor. Water vapor happens to be the worst greenhouse gas, when it comes to storing heat. The polar ice caps have been melting at extreme rates, countries are shrinking (look at Greenland). CFC also keep the earth warmer than usual (because they are greenhouse gases). Lake Chad has been shrinking since the 1970's, which is another key piece of evidence of the changes occurring from our actions. However, there have been changes before the human species, so climate change is natural, but humans do have an effect on the environment. So, global warming is heating the planet, making it warmer, which will lead to warmer oceans. Climate change can change the thermohaline circulation. If it is changed, it could lead to mass extinctions of many species of fish (fish are very sensitive about their temperature). So, these are some changes that we are doing as a result of our pollution (Global Warming).

Since the theory of AGW has been proven false by the earth itself, we can safely say that there is no global warming. So it has no affect.

rise of temperature,affects ecosystem

well it makes the planet hotter, doesn't it

How Does Global Warming affect The Planet we Live In...

Is It Doing anything To Our Planet a This Moment In Time...

Thanks To Whoever Answers