> In what way are taxpayers spending money on climate change?

In what way are taxpayers spending money on climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
This was a question posed by one of our contributors. I think it is a fair question.

First there's $100 Billion in aid to low income countries, basically wealth redistribution is supposed to rid the planet of co2. Then there's the corporate welfare to companies that make windmills and solar panels. Most of this money goes directly to the Koch Bro's. Then there's always phony carbon offset credit markets where people like Algore offsets his carbon footprint by paying a company he owns! What a guy!

It's easiest to assess the US expenditures. For their 2013 fiscal year, the total spending was something around $22B. It's hard read exactly what column applies but here's the source: http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/...

However, I wonder if that is the real total. For example, within a non-core agency there could be parts of the budget that goes towards something related to climate change. And I wonder how other costs like absorbing the loss of Solyndra is accounted for?

Regardless, it's big, big business. Some conspiracy theorists claim big oil spends money protecting its profit by spreading misinformation or doubt about AGW (or used to). Well, it would certainly make sense then the same is happening to protect massive AGW funding.


Edit: I just came across an opinion piece on this topic: http://www.climateconversation.wordshine...

Taxpayers don't spend very much money on it unless they are like Tom Steyer ($100 million towards climate activism). Government ELITES allocate taxpayer money towards it just as they allocate money to propagate anything that makes them feel like they are doing something to "save the planet".

The BIG CITY idea of managing efforts towards climate change mitigation can be plainly seen in Illinois, where it seems that Chicago-style (liberal) politics runs and ruins an entire State's economy. What a joke these people are!!!

Guess who is running and ruining our U.S. Government at the moment? Can you guess where he came from also?


" ... "Over-spending, tax hikes, and blocking necessary fiscal reform have given Illinois the worst economic reputation in the nation," the report, penned by venture capitalist Henry Feinberg, read. ... "

So-called 'Green Energy' industry subsidies.

So-called 'Research Grants' to scientists/universities to produce predetermined, pro-AGW findings.

Those $Billions would be better spent on re-educating those Alarmist/Activist 'scientists' who have surrendered their morals/ethics for the sake of tenure and ego.

Just bought a new air conditioner a few weeks ago cost about $100.00 It works real good too......

Same money they spend on Mountain lion tredmills and other pork

A lot of the money is spent on acquiring data.


This was a question posed by one of our contributors. I think it is a fair question.