> Climate change Professor emeritus Dr Daniel Botkin does not think it is our fault?

Climate change Professor emeritus Dr Daniel Botkin does not think it is our fault?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Now someone's professional reputation needs to be destroyed.... How dare he leave the plantation.

He seems to be playing the frequency vs intensity game and only paying attention to frequency and completely ignoring intensity. He also states exactly what has been stated by people the likes of you continue to do which have been shot down time and time again yet continue being brought up.

From the link.

"Carbon dioxide is definitely continuing to increase in the atmosphere, but Earth's surface and atmospheric temperatures aren't tracking it."

Are atmospheric temperatures tracking the Sun?



Does that mean that the Sun has no effect? Or does that mean that other factors besides the Sun influence climate?

Dr. Daniel Botkin is entitled to his opinion on any subject he wishes to express his opinion on. What he is not entitled to his own set of the Laws of Physics.

emeritus gives you a clue.
