> If the world had a giant thermostat, who would control the weather?

If the world had a giant thermostat, who would control the weather?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Exactly right! Just think if the wrong person got a hold of it. (Could there be a right person?) Ten minutes after that person took control you would hear world wide, "Give me all your riches or else you fry!"

It is best that we let the forces that be handle it, not any man.

One time I did some control work on a hospital. I was deliberating what the actual temperature of the hospital should be set at. I asked the director what he wanted it set at. He said, "Set it any where you want. I have 253 women working in this hospital. You will be wrong 252 times."

One person you wouldn't want in control is my wife. I have seen her shiver at 71 degrees and open the windows in the dead of winter at 72. It was even worse than that when she went through that stage in life.

You can imagine what a difficult time we had adjusting to each other, when we first got married. She was a girl from the city who was used to air conditioning and central heating. I was kid off the farm who got out of bed in -20 weather and raced to our pot bellied stove. My mother, who was the toughest person I ever knew, would get up in cold weather and in her bare feet would get the fires started in the pot belly and the kitchen range.

When James Hansen gave his testimony in front of Congress in the late eighties, evil people had the AC turned off so the Congressmen and Congresswomen would feel uncomfortable and swallow Global Warming hook, line and sinker. It worked. They even laugh and brag about it today, how they hoodwinked Congress. If people like that would deceive and extort by causing one building discomfort, think about what they would do with control of the whole earth. Do you think they would suddenly turn honest over night? Lord Acton rightfully recognized that power corrupts, it doesn't purify.

Just be glad that weather and temperature control is out of man's hands.


Somebody already thought about that…read/google the term HAARP…people think is a joke but actually if you research it is a “hidden” truth waiting to come out:



The GAO (government accountability office) has every year an item listed under “black budget” for the department of defense, the amount this years is around 50 Billion dollars and has no requirement of disclosing for what, only the line title black budget; imagine what could’ve been done year in year out for the past 30+ years with those amount$$ lol , only the sky is the limit…


The Earth does have a thermostat, in the form of D-O events and Bond events.

The thermostat was wisely placed out of reach from children. Wee little children can run around and produce as much heat as we (little children) like. But the climate is regulated. Which is why I go after the future predictions.



They already do control the weather. Why do we have treaties signed stating you can't use weather weapons? If that was not possible then why sign a treaty? Obviously it is very possible and if you research hard enough and ask the government via Freedom of information act and get their declassified work on weather control you would be shocked to what they can do. That is just what is declassified.

If my office is anything to go by, the men would control the down switch and the women the up switch.

Yo mama

Whoever had the most expendable income.

“What if Canada or Russia wanted the climate to be a little warmer, while tropical countries and small island states wanted it cooler?” a leading climate scientist at Rutgers University, Alan Robock, asked the House Committee on Science, Space and Technology in 2009.

