> Do you suspect Al Gore is lying because he sold his Current TV channel to a Middle East oil kingdom?

Do you suspect Al Gore is lying because he sold his Current TV channel to a Middle East oil kingdom?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
He routinely describes oil companies as evil, and then he sells a media outlet to them?

Al Gore is just a hypocrite not a liar in this instance. But he and his cohort Bill Nye are two of the biggest liars in this category.

If you look at this article, Al gore by his own definition is unethical.


Of course we who are the intelligent ones of the world knew this all along.

"Throughout most of my life, I raised tobacco. I want you to know that with my own hands, all of my life, I put it in the plant beds and transferred it. I've hoed it. I've chopped it. I've shredded it, spiked it, put it in the barn and stripped it and sold it." -- Al Gore, 1988

Later, Gore gave a speech about his sister's painful death from lung cancer but didn't mention is that he grew up on a tobacco farm, worked on it, and continued to accept checks from that farm for years after his sister died.

Gore's father took huge amounts of money from Occidental Petroleum as did the son, Algore. Algore and Clinton gave Teapot Dome (same one from scandal that brought down a previous president) to Occidental.

Algore is the biggest hypocrite I can think of even when there are legal controlling authorities.

Actually Trevor, mis-leading and lying are synonymous. Just about every sentence in an Inconvenient Truth was a lie or supported a lie. It was painful for me to watch and I learned nothing except what a fraud Algore is.

Some facts first off, just so people know what we’re talking about.

Al Gore was a major stakeholder in Current TV, a station he founded about 10 years ago. He owned a 20% stake in the company. Last year Current TV was sold for about $500 million to Al Jazeera Media Network. Al Jazeera would restructure parts of Current TV into it’s new US division called Al Jazeera America, the remains of Current TV would be closed down. If press reports are correct then Gore stood to make about $100 million from the sale.

For purposes of clarity, Current TV was not sold to a Middle East oil kingdom but to a TV network owned by Hamid bin Khalifa Al Thani, a member of the Quatari Royal Family and the ruling Emir of Qatar until last year. Hamad established the Qatar Investment Authority which has $100 billion of investments in property, banking, retail, manufacturing, broadcasting etc.

Your premise that Gore sold Current TV to an oil company is therefore wrong – it was sold to an investment company with surprisingly little investment in the oil industry.

I’m not defending Gore (I don’t particularly like him), just setting the record straight.

You seem to be attempting to assert that Gore sold his TV company (he was only a shareholder) to an oil company (which is actually an investment company) and therefore he is lying. This makes no sense. It might make him somewhat hypocritical but it doesn’t follow he’s lying.

To establish if Gore was lying we need to examine what he said against real world evidence. By and large what he said was correct and can easily be shown to be so. What he did say, particularly in his Inconvenient Truth movie and books, was sometimes taken out of context, sometimes exaggerated and sometimes alarmist. Misleading and over-dramatic – yes, lying – no.

I never think Al Gore is lying unless his mouth is open a nd words are coming out or if there is print material with something he said and then YEAH HIM B Lying.

Al Gore turned a hoax into hundreds of millions of dollars. Admittedly, he had some help from corrupt academics and government officials.

I think he is used to lying. The lying started with his old boss with something as meaningless as his dick problem and it progressed from there. Climate agenda was just the stepping stone to his ultimate lie about his sexuality and business interests.

No - Algore was lying long before he sold his failing TV station


What does this have to do with global warming?


He routinely describes oil companies as evil, and then he sells a media outlet to them?
