> How much of the Earth’s average surface temperature is provided by the Greenhouse Effect?

How much of the Earth’s average surface temperature is provided by the Greenhouse Effect?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
answer is C, the temeperature calculated without greenhouse effect is about 255 K (-18°C) while the actual mean temperature of the Earth is +15°C (288 K)

Heat migrates from hot to cold. Atmospheric temperatures will continue rise very slowly as long as the retained heat has someplace cooler to migrate to. Most of the CO2 related heat energy retained migrates to ice fields and glacier and to cooler sea water. For this reason atmospheric temperatures have risen very slowly, though even a very slight rise will have an effect on the overall state of the atmosphere and hence on weather patterns and climate.

An atmosphere even a fraction of a degree warmer will evaporate X amount more water vapor from the ocean and sea water warmed even a fraction of a degree higher will melt a considerable amount of ice at the leading edge of an ice field.

The truth is is that it's all about the water. It has a tremendous mass that mollifies the temperatures as it evaporates, condenses, freezes and melts. It's carrying capacity for heat is what keeps us between a frozen ball and a scorched desert.

CO2 is just along for the ride.

A, B, and D are clearly wrong, so I say C.

There is no greenhouse effect!

It is the end times!

God is doing what He said He would.


The Earth’s average surface temperature is about 288 Kelvin. What portion of the 288 Kelvin is provided by Greenhouse Gases via the Greenhouse Effect?

Choose the best answer from the list below:

A) Greenhouse Gases provide no part of Earth’s 288K average surface temperature

B) Greenhouse Gases provide all or nearly all of Earth’s 288K average surface temperature

C) Greenhouse Gases provide about 32K of of Earth’s 288K average surface temperature

D) Greenhouse Gases provide about 255K of of Earth’s 288K average surface temperature
