> If climate change is happening why are we having?

If climate change is happening why are we having?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
five of the snowiest winters in this decade


Natural Climate Variability.

Short term temperature variability is natural. It is clearly illustrated in the Global average temperature records. This is one of the reasons why humans "do not" have any control over climate variations. The 30s is one era that shows this variability very clearly. I doubt that CO2 levels had anything to do with a 0.47C rise from January (1935) to February immediately followed by a drop of 0.48C from February to April.

March (1939) to December rise of 0.56C was followed by an immediate decrease of 0.52C from Dec '39 to Jan '40. These rocket science/climate science knuckleheads here at Y/A can't read a temperature graph or follow the numbers it seems.


The trend on that graph is really small and not 'statistically significant'. Those records are only a few percent higher than previous ones. By contrast, the summer snow cover is down 50%: that's definitely statistically significant! Several reasons appear to have contributed to those snowier winters.

Firstly, the El Nino Southern Oscillation happens: when we have strong trade winds across the Pacific, the warm surface water gets pushed towards the Philippines and and cold water surges up near Chile. This is a 'La Nina' that affects world weather and we've seen a lot of recently, and leads to colder Northern Hemisphere winters while the oceans suck up heat. Computer simulations show the colder Northern Hemisphere land winters which has slightly slowed surface warming, as more heat is shifted into the oceans and the high Arctic. These are articles about some recent scientific studies on this: Kosaka and Xie (2013) and Cowtan and Way (2013):



But to get the extra snow, we've needed so called 'blocking' events where the jet stream gets 'stuck' in a wavey pattern, bringing cold air from the Arctic into the land, and letting warmer air from elsewhere into the Arctic, a bit like leaving the freezer door open. Wiki explains blocking:


Solar activity seems to be linked to blocking, and so do Arctic changes. Because the Arctic has warmed so quickly, its ice is melting and it leaves ocean behind. Winds are powered by temperature differences, and because the temperature difference between the equator and the pole has got smaller the winds that circle Earth have slowed down. Slower winds are easier to steer or 'bend' into blocking events, and thanks to more open ocean in the Arctic there is plenty of moisture to fuel snow.

Liu et al, 2012 looked at this:


"This circulation change results in more frequent episodes of blocking patterns that lead to increased cold surges over large parts of northern continents. Moreover, the increase in atmospheric water vapor content in the Arctic region during late autumn and winter driven locally by the reduction of sea ice provides enhanced moisture sources, supporting increased heavy snowfall in Europe during early winter and the northeastern and midwestern United States during winter. We conclude that the recent decline of Arctic sea ice has played a critical role in recent cold and snowy winters."

Simple...the warmer the planet gets, the more moisture evaporates into the atmosphere, resulting in more snowfall in the colder climates.

I don't think perception was ruled out from any IPCC reports. Where and when exactly is (if...ish).Though some fanatics thought as much and didn't bother to set regional boundaries. Record lows, now that's a different story. As well as temps flat lining with escalating CO2 and earlier then normal frost lines.

Good question.

We are having some of the snowiest winters? In the Philippines?

And yet the past ten years have been the warmest on record. I guess that should clue you in that more snow doesn't necessarily mean colder temperatures.

Winter has not started yet.

Can you rephrase the question in a way it makes sense?

I don't know where you live ,but I lived in Cyprus and I lived in Bosnia and now I live in Canada . I talk to my mother in Sarajevo and I talk to my son in Cyprus and travel there when I can . From what I could see where it was before hot now is colder and where before was cold now is warmer . When I lived in Cyprus years ago it was always around or above 40 celsius in summer and now it is going around 35 C . When I came to Canada 8 years ago I had to clean snow from my car 3-4 times a day ,and last two years I cleaned it maybe 10 times all together .

I believe you answered your own question

Snow, isn't that some kind of precipitation, precipitation which climate scientists said would increase due to increased amounts of evaporation?

You appear to reason that more snow = more cold which is incredibly naive.

Picture this: if the average winter temperature increases from -3 C to -2 C, it is still cold, it will still snow and increased evaporation will lead to more snowfall.

I'm not sure what this fetish is denier have with snow, on the basic mechanics they/you seem to not understand how snow is even formed. Most just seem to leap to the conclusion that "it's cold" when in fact snow needs a mix of cold and warm air, I'm sure I've explained this to denier many many times.


Antarctica is the coldest place on the planet, by denier logic it should have lots of snow then, but this is not the case, Antarctica is classed as a desert, with precipitation rates that rival many deserts, i.e. very little snow.

The poster here has admitted he doesn't trust scientists, yet he will post any old drivel from denier blogs, like icecap, this site also publish info for deniers that hundreds of glaciers are growing and deniers lap this BS up, don't get me wrong the statement is actually correct, but what icecap totally ignore is that the few hundred they reference are a tiny number of the total number of glaciers world wide, they cherry pick just those that are growing, i.e. Alaska alone has ~100,000 glaciers.

Note also deniers are always talking about alarmists using local short term weather (which they never seem able to support) yet here is another denier doing just that, this one is trying to link this to climate change yet look at his graph it is only on the Northern Hemisphere. So the logic seems to be to bleat about snow in winter yet ignore Summer and ignore the shorter winter seasons we are now getting. Of course given the graph is an icecap creation and credits no source and given icecaps history of telling whoopers I'm not sure what this denier thinks this proves other than his own gullibility. In the last few years we have seen denier go from the silly to the ridiculous some even trying to sink this down to just the snow in their own driveways.

Of course while they do this they try to ignore heatwaves in Australia, droughts in the U.S. and the U.K. in fact anything that points to warming, but like like cheap poorly trained stage magician they try to misdirect you to "look snow", without (as I said at the top) even understand how snow is formed.

I don't think it even needs to be said we are dealing with the scientific illiterate, their own comments continue to make that point better than I ever could.

P.S. I'm going to archive this question for the next time denier try to claim it is alarmists who always reference local weather.


I don't know about other countries but on the Australian mirror of yahoo there are 4 one link add's that run just under the blue answer question button.

The one appearing below kano's question today is this


Oh, the irony !

five of the snowiest winters in this decade
