> How come Al Gore is being sued by the founder of the weather channel?

How come Al Gore is being sued by the founder of the weather channel?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Weather Channel founder is a non believe in global warming.

Algore refuses to answer basic questions regarding claims he has made regarding AGW. It's typical of any religious cult to deny any debate which challenges their faith. If Algore and the rest of the AGW cultist elites propagandizing global warming actually had proof of such then it would not take endless freedom of information requests and lawsuits to get the information that they use to base their findings on. They would gladly give every shred of information they have for other scientists to freely evaluate. They would freely release the coding used for the computer climate models that project AGW trends instead keeping it classified info.

AGW cultists demand that everyone trust them but they refuse to allow the public free access to the very same raw data and computer climate models they use to claim AGW is occurring. Why? Because they know that if they do other scientists won't come to the same conclusions the AGW cultists do. Algore wants to claim that the science is settled.

There's a reason why they destroyed some raw empirical data they used to make the fraudulent hockey stick graph as exposed by the leaked emails. They don't want others to see how the data was manipulated to come up with the predetermined outcome. They didn't want to have their fraud exposed.

Any bets they do not win this lawsuit against Al Gore, even if a judge will actually hear the case? In a court of law they would need to present the scientific evidence that global warming is a fraud. Any bets that they will not be able to do so? When they lose the case, if it does make it to trial, this opens up Al Gore to sue all of them for defamation of character. Al Gore becomes even richer. Sounds like a sweet deal, for Al Gore!

Like many things that the TV weather clown John Coleman says, this is not true. Coleman was claiming this 5 years ago--it hasn't happened and it never will.

By the way, John Coleman should not be considered any expert on meteorology (or anything else for that matter). He has no degree in meteorology or science, and he was "smart" enough to lose money when he sold The Weather Channel--despite it being worth over one billion dollars these days.

Al Gore is not being sued by anybody. John Coleman has been claiming that for years.

Me suspects that the founder of the weather channel is/was getting some serious dough to wage a smear campaign.

From september? Seems like an empty threat from impotent denialists with no case that came to nothing

Why does it matter

Weather Channel founder is a non believe in global warming.