> WHAT countries (do you think) will greatly be affected by Global Warming in a bad way?

WHAT countries (do you think) will greatly be affected by Global Warming in a bad way?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
because of the rise of the sea-level and floods.

Received wisdom implies that the poorer countries will be worse off than the richer ones.

However, I disagree. In fact we have lots of things backwards. Coral islands, which are only a few feet above sea level will probably fare best because they rise and fall with changes in sea level. It is not just coincidence that keeps them just above sea level - they work at it.

Rich countries will be very badly off because all their infrastructure (e.g. roads, railways, power stations, telephone systems etc) will be affected. Where people build mud huts and walk two miles to get water these people will cope very well. They will just move to higher ground. How could you move London or New York to higher ground?

Also, there is the belief that sea level has remained constant until man came along and started burning fossil fuels. However, prior to that we could walk from England to Germany without getting our feet wet! The sea has risen an unbelievable amount in the past. It is still doing so but at a reduced rate.

When the AGW advocates learn to properly interpret climate data instead of insisting that humans have a greater effect on the climate than we actually do, only then will people like you understand that natural climate variability is in charge of the current temperature fluctuations.

Sea levels aren't rising to catastrophic levels and floods have always been a part of normal climate activity.

"Global Warming" and "Global Cooling" happen every day with the rise and fall of the sun. Temperatures are always affected by the change of seasons also. The idea of a 'runaway effect' of Global temperatures has been debunked emphatically along with the idea of catastrophic rising sea levels. If you want to 'hang onto' the idea that people are having a catastrophic effect on the planet, that is your prerogative. Climate science is far from proving that humans are causing any changes to our chaotic and non-linear climate system.

Global Warming (and more specifically, Global Climate Change) will eventually affect every nation because of Hadley Cell movement, among other things.

With sea-level rise and flooding, it depends on how much the rise/how long your projection is, and depends on what humanity may do to combat it.

Right now, many low-lying countries, particularly the members of the Small Island Developing States forum are most prone. Prominent countries include the Maldives, Tuvalu, Marshall Islands, Kiribati and Fiji, many of which are working on how to buy parts of other countries to move their citizens to. Many of the low-lying countries are small islands, located in the Caribbean, Indian Ocean, and South Pacific.

Countries that have large river deltas and low-lying coastlines are also vulnerable to sea level rise. Famous examples include Bangladesh, Netherlands, Vietnam, Indonesia and Egypt. Major cities on coastlines also face threats of low storm barriers, including Miami, Washington DC, New York; Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; London, UK; Mumbai and Calcutta, India; Shanghai and Guangzhou, China; and of course, Venice, Italy, which is already flooded portions of the year.

Even if cities/islands build storm walls, saltwater intrusion underground will affect water supplies. For example, the more saltwater advances inland, the deeper it will go. Freshwater supplies, especially on small islands, will be contaminated.

Any nation with a coast line.


<6.7 inches in a hundred years>

Is that for the last hundred years or the next hundred years? If you mean the next hundred years, you are making a big assumption.

Really, all of them. The low lying ones will be flooded (Bangladesh for example). Islands have been observed to have sunk below sea level in the last few years. Any that have ocean coastlines are getting more floods (from inland too). Increase the intensity and frequency of storms, increase refugees, alter the natural cycles of frequency and intensity of rainfall, and it will be hard to feed all those people.

Inner Earth will be hurt the most , And maybe Never Never Land , come on with this lib BS , the program is over ,they got busted.

Here's a couple I can think of:

United Kingdom: http://www.scotsman.com/edinburgh-evenin...

Germany: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/02/1...

Spain: http://www.theenergycollective.com/johnw...


China probably. They have tons of coal factories and don't do much about pollution.

6.7 inches in a hundred years, not many.

because of the rise of the sea-level and floods.

none, fairy tales don't affect real countries.