> Is China really not doing anything about climate change?

Is China really not doing anything about climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Keeping in mind their expanding population, is China doing anything at all about climate change?

they know china is part of the planet and their leaders are more scientifically litterate. They are committed to reducing emissions and be a leader on renewable energy.



At some point the USA will complain that they have been left behind.

If China was worried about man-made Global Warming and believed it was really going to cause a catastrophe of some kind then they wouldn't be building so many coal fired power plants. The last count I saw, China has about 2,000 coal fired plants, the U.S.A. only has about 500.

And according to this article China’s Coal Consumption Approaches Total of Rest of World.


It doesn't sound like they are too worried about it to me.


I don't think so!! China produces a lot of junk that ends up getting thrown out. If they care about the planet they would do something about it.

China is not at all concerned about climate change, they are concerned about energy and are frantically trying grab all the energy sources they can.

China has people working on it ,we gave them billions to fix this problem .ha ha ha


Keeping in mind their expanding population, is China doing anything at all about climate change?