> Does China admit that climate change is a problem?

Does China admit that climate change is a problem?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
What has the leadership of China said about climate change?

what Kano fails to mention is the new plants are more efficient than the old ones being replaced and that they have a plan and a culture of looking further ahead than the 4 year election.

yes, they have a plan. Nobody believed them 20 years ago when they planned to be the largest economy either.


Yes, we need China's help to fight global warming. But, we need to lead by example. We certainly won't stop China from building new coal plants by having a urinating contest with them.

Actions speak louder than words, China are building coal fired power stations at an astonishing rate


Yes yes they are maybe probably Duno

why yes they have and they too have excepted billions of US funds to fight it .


What has the leadership of China said about climate change?