> How does global warming effect the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle?

How does global warming effect the carbon dioxide and oxygen cycle?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
You have it backwards.

The increased CO2 causes global warming.

The carbon cycle is not significantly affected.

Keep in mind, the effect of global warming is similar to moving a few hundred miles north.

And the carbon cycle a bit north of you is pretty much the same as it is where you are.

NOW, if there is sufficient warming to cause significant melting of arctic permafrost, where considerable methane is stored, then all bets are off. That will be a problem.

The warming could cause CO2 to come from the ocean, and from decaying tundra/permafrost.

The CO2 is positive feed back for natural warming initiated by the relationship of the Earth to the Sun.

A little warming and a little more CO2 help plants, which then emit a little more O2.

That, of course increases the temperature even more.

If it was warming (it is not) vegetation should increase (it is, but because of CO2 not heat) which should increase the carbon pool in soils and plant matter, while giving off oxygen, this should slow the atmospheric rise of CO2, but conversly a warming of our oceans will cause an outgassing of CO2 which offset any gains by vegetation.


0.87 degrees in 353 years, do you really think that much change is significant enough to alter that cycle? I do not.