> If Global Warming says a 0.8C rise and CO2 is only 9%-26% of the greenhouse effect, then CO2 warming can only be 0.072C

If Global Warming says a 0.8C rise and CO2 is only 9%-26% of the greenhouse effect, then CO2 warming can only be 0.072C

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
14C = 287.15kelvin

14.8C = 287.95kelvin

0.8kelvin increase in temperature is only a 0.28% rise of overall temperature above absolute zero.

The 9-26% figure is for the total greenhouse effect that already existed, and which warms us up by about 33 K. So the CO2 already in the atmosphere is associated with between 3 K and 9 K net warming, and we have increased the amount of CO2 by 40%.

But you can't really do such simple calculations, it's a bit more complicated. You can do some simple tests with this freely available online model:


Take for example the US standard atmosphere, 0 km, looking up. That's the heat that the atmosphere transmits to the Earth. You get about 258 W m^-2. You take away CO2 and it's 230 W m^-2.

If you reduce the heat going into the Earth by 28 W m^-2 then it will get cooler and water vapour will condense out. For the US standard atmosphere values I use, it drops by about 30%, so put 0.7 in the water-vapour scale of your calculations there and the radiation drops even further from 230 W m^-2 to 214 W m^-2. Now surface temperature drops even more and more water vapour drops out. And so on.

You have to also account for different regions on Earth, clouds, aerosols etc. It's more complicated than just doing a few sums. These calculations have already been done, and you can find them in the IPCC reports or on http://scholar.google.com if you search.

Yes, that is about the size of it. But the emissions are INDIRECTLY causing the rest. For example a small change due to only CO2 melts a small amount of ice, uncovering a small patch of dark ground which absorbs more heat than the bright white ice and BOOM, more warming; caused by dark ground caused by CO2. It is called a positive feedback mechanism. All the models take feedbacks like this into account. The trick is to correctly identify all possible feedbacks. Because some feedbacks are negative and cause cooling, like heat causing more water evaporation causing more bright white clouds which reflecting heat away. BOOM, cooling. That is why the predictions are all over the place, from 0 to 10 degrees warming. Different feedbacks considered.


The 0.8 degrees is ON TOP of the natural greenhouse effect.

That it is only 0.04% of the air, and still so important is a significant point.

All the models take feedbacks like this into account. The trick is to correctly identify all possible feedbacks.

Well, apparently you can multiply, even if you can't thing logically.

EDIT: I don't understand why some answers are hidden, I suspect it is because they are too short, so this edit is just to add length.

Rational thought like that will get you labeled as a denier.

Only if it was simple minded and linear.

You should probably not try to do math.

43.78435923692 Exactly.

14C = 287.15kelvin

14.8C = 287.95kelvin

0.8kelvin increase in temperature is only a 0.28% rise of overall temperature above absolute zero.