> Besides climate change and evolution, do science flunker/haters have other branches of science to fear catastrophic Stal

Besides climate change and evolution, do science flunker/haters have other branches of science to fear catastrophic Stal

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Fluoridation of drinking water

I forget who it was that mentioned vaccinations.

And, of course, there is the chemtrails group.

The anti-EPA group could certainly be categorized as 'science deficient'.

OH, and the abortion haters mantra that "planned parenthood hurts women" is clearly there.

Of course, there are the young earth creationists, and "people kept dinosaurs for pets" folks.

(Only the nice little ones.)

Lordy, this list is surely 3-4 times the size. Is the infamous doctor infecting my brain? ;)

Vaccination, linlyons beat me to it. Actually, anything that the government needs to be involved in-regulation, laws or taxes. So keeping out chemicals from our waterways would qualify- e.g ""there is no evidence that chemicals cause cancer..."" - just a repeat of the tobacco wars.- no science branch is immune from denial

They are all smart enough to avoid ending a sentence with a preposition. They are also smart enough to understand the anthropogenic warming is a hoax and understand that what was created can in fact evolve. Seems like THEY are not the flunky here.