> With global temps at a plateau for 18 years,?

With global temps at a plateau for 18 years,?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

What is your level of confidence in the ocean heat content data you present?

I would be very hard-pressed to say that the current 3000 bouys they use for measuring the ocean temperature would give even a reasonable estimate of the heat content of the entire ocean.

Let's say, for argument, however, that the 3000 is sufficient to estimate the temperature of the ocean to say 0.05 degrees. You are only talking about an increase of how many degrees??? Over how long???

Now pretending that 3000 is enough for a reasonable estimate of coean temperature across the ENTIRE WORLD, your graph goes back to 1955. Did we have many devices that collected temperature data to 2000 meters back in 1955???

Further, I note how you use heat content instead of average temperature. Care to say why??? I know why. It is because the temperature change is SO SMALL as to not add anything to the discussion. If people see that you are talking about 0.1 degree of change, they will ignore your graph, WON'T THEY??? And just think of how obvious it will become that the degree of uncertainty in the measure given the SMALL amount of change make the entire graphic useless.

But don't worry. I have solved the problem of the missing heat. If you graph out the price of rice in China, you will note that it has been increasing over the past 18 years. THEREFORE, the heat is hiding in Chinese rice, that little thermal dickens.

You have this obsession that the world is cooling down. It isn’t and you have no evidence to back this up. The best you can do is to carefully cherry-pick data from selected temperature records and present them in an unscientific and intellectually dishonest manner.

Atmospheric temperatures have changed little in the last 15 or so years as can be seen in the graph below:

I'm still a bit leery of politician's manipulating people into believing they are a bigger "cause" on Earth than what we actually are. It would be nice to see us focus more on eradicating "GLOBAL ELITISM" where Government Elites and Financial Elites control the masses of people and maintain their "thumb-on-heads" approach in maintaining their "status" in the world. These are the people who screw things up for everyone.

Good ole Trev. If he keeps rolling out all these charts he will make Jeff M envious. As Jeff M says, "If you find fault with my charts, I'll make up a new one for yah."

Global temps are at a plateau Trev. Even Jimmy the Commie Hansen admitted to it before his retirement. Are you smarter than Jimmy? Where are all your peer reviewed papers? Are they being used for dog matting?



Read em and weep Trev, ole boy!

I plan to stop believing in it in 14 months, 5 days!!!

how much longer will the stall in global warming have to last before you change your mind and stop believing that global warming is still happening? Or will you always believe in global warming no matter how cold it gets?