> Is there any way in how tourists can reduce climate change or its impacts?

Is there any way in how tourists can reduce climate change or its impacts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Any suggestions would benefit me as it will help for general knowledge and for a course i am studying. Will be appreciated.

In general, tourists and non-tourists alike should simply not waste energy. Don't leave the hot water running. Don't even leave any water running. Don't leave lights on. Keep your room windows closed when the heating or cooling system is running. Don't set the room thermostat excessively high when heating or low when cooling. Use curtains to block the sun in summer. Use curtains as insulation ANY time of year. Use mass transportation. If you're driving, try to maintain a steady speed instead of speeding up and then braking. Drive a small vehicle with good gas mileage. Try to buy items that use less energy than others (frequently those are items with minimal packaging).

By the way, your question seems simple at first, but is actually quiet complicated. What do mean "reduce climate change"? If you mean reduce CO2 output, you'll face some challenges. First, some people suggest that you do not take a plane. OK, but that means you can't travel far! So the world will be closed off to you unless you have a LOT of time and money for travel. I am aware of few people who have the time to travel by boat across oceans or by bus or rail to cross a continent.

Also, those forms of transport are not as cheap or efficient as you might think. Even a bus costs a lot of money if the trip is long enough. If your trip is long you'll need to get a hotel room and meals (maybe for several nights). Those overnight stays are expensive AND they might use more energy than you would at home. Furthermore, long rides wear you down a lot, especially when you're older. Prolonged sitting can even kill you by causing clots to form in the veins of your legs, which then break free and end up blocking blood from entering your lungs! So, maybe being eco-friendly should not be your sole primary concern.

As for using a bicycle, that can be a bad idea. Do you know how much CO2 you expend when biking? That involves a lot of heavy breathing if you're out of shape. What about if you just took a bus instead? If you don't get on the bus, it will probably travel to your destination anyway. So, let the bus take you somewhere and it might use less energy moving you than you would do so yourself. Also, you can get easily robbed or injured when you're a tourist who does not know much about the place where you are biking.

Hmm I think that by becoming responsible and Eco-tourists we would be able to reduce climate change and it's impacts to some extent.

I think we (the government) should impose restrictions and limitations, for example an individual should be allowed to travel by plane only 3 times per year to reduce air pollution. As well as, people should be encouraged to be more responsible and eco-friendly by using public transport etc.

not take the bloody plane.

One jumbo jet uses more fuel than the whole of formula one race series does in an entire year !

think of how many planes there are in the air at any given point, to see my point this will give you live air traffic data http://www.flightradar24.com. If all of those are using so much fuel the if people stop getting on the planes then this MASSIVE impact will be reduced. Generally people dont need to go somewhere. have your holiday in the same country, or spend the money on xmas or something

Yes, they can arrange to spend their vacation in Washington DC - and picket the U.S. Congress for its inaction on climate change. There is a rally for President Obama on Sunday, February 17th in DC, urging him to push for legislation. The link below has the details.

yes, they should stop pollution,be sustainable and ecotourists, use bikes or walk instead of using cars or public tranport.

take a different course, maybe one that tells the truth

Any suggestions would benefit me as it will help for general knowledge and for a course i am studying. Will be appreciated.