> Climate at 5 minutes to midnight?

Climate at 5 minutes to midnight?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The evidence suggests that nothing unusual is happening.

I am here to be convinced.

<<..a Socialist running the IPCC..>> & <<"New World Order">> & <> & <> .

Your whole problem, as with so many other hardcore deniers here (about 99% I'd say) has little to do with the Science but everything with what you believe it implies once it is accepted.

You are on a vehement political crusade which often obscures your view to such an extend that you can no longer distinguish Facts from Fables, Scientific Research from Conspiracy Theories and which makes you commit stupid mistake after monumental (scientific) blunder in your writings.

You simply cannot be bothered it appears with fact checking, with researching the whole issue, with trying to comprehend basic climate science: you're on a mission to protect all that is dear to you from those pinko commie Communists taking control. And thus you write nonsensical answer after nonsensical answer (not to mention your conspiracy based 'questions').

PS Pachauri is not 'in charge' of IPCC's research nor its' presentation. That's one of those little facts you've gotten wrong and you could have gotten it right had you actually been a non-politically biased skeptic.

c/c Prof S Lewandowski

Funny how there always seem to be so many jim's

This one is jim K

"Go after China and India first...they are the biggest polluters.

And where were all you liberals on the subject when your hero Bill Clinton was granting favored trading status to China while Hilary was on the board at Walmart during their biggest expansion years?"

As is usual with these short attention span buffoons, they blame china for being the largest Co2 emitter while trying really hard to ignore the 100 year head start, much of the western world has in terms of Co2 emissions.

Your right, deniers do seem to have a lot of free time to comment on such things, personally I only have time to answer a few questions here a day, but then I have a job and a life.

Yes I have noticed that in many articles that I have read, us skeptics are definitively on the rise.

Lets stand up and be counted!

skeptics are loud and have FOX on their side, that does not make them right. In fact, the loudest person in a crowd is often the stupidest. There are more dumb people than bright ones.

You apparently have never read comments on Yahoo News before--they're always dominated by conservative nut-jobs that sound like they flunked out of junior high school.

EDIT: It's amazing you can read so many things into my answer that I didn't say--it was only one sentence, lol.

That you think there are more dumb people than bright ones, shows how dumb you are.

Well fortunately all they can offer is trash links and in fact the same crap over and over.

Have you read this?


The IPCC's illustrious leader speaking out here : http://news.yahoo.com/climate-five-minutes-midnight-ipcc-head-230852511.html

I read through the comments (about 30 of them) and it seems that there are even more skeptics on Yahoo than I thought.