> Why are science deniers obsessed with Al Gore (to the point of pretending that he has anything to do with science?

Why are science deniers obsessed with Al Gore (to the point of pretending that he has anything to do with science?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Lets open it up for everyone and irritate Hey Dook

Does anyone remember the movie 'Inconvenient Truth'? Does anyone remember where he got on TV and said Super Storm Sandy was a result of Climate Change and or Global Warming? Does anyone know how many dollars he has cashed in on this scam? Does anyone remember how big of a hypocrite he is?

Sure, he is the main spokesperson for AGW and ACC and he is making a profit for being the hypocritical punching bag that he is. Don't feel sorry for him.

The reason is because "warmers" have science and all denialists have is personal attacks.

Global warming is happening


And we are causing it


The ten warmest years in the instrumental record are 2010, 2005, 2009, 2007, 2002, 1998, 2006, 2003, 2013 and 2012. All within the last 18 years.


He got involved in the cc hoax and made a movie, that movie was shown in school 'science' classes around the world, so clearly he has been involved in science in his attempt to greenwash the younger generation.

I don't think that HeyDook is irritated.

He just doesn't like untruthful answers.

As far as Al Gore, it would seem that you'd be the most qualified to answer.

He doesn't do the science.

He only popularizes it.

Unfortunately, always stressing the worst case situation.

Which gave all the global warming deniers the opportunity to complain.

But then, it seems like that's what they like to do, so they really ought to thank him. ;)

He was the one who got this global warming nonsense to really take off, his "An Inconvenient Truth" was what made everyone sit up and take notice, hell he even convinced me for quite a while, the fraudulent "Hockey Stick" had me worried for a time, I should have known better though than to trust a politician.

It is the fact that Gore is articulate and his book/movie put the situation simply enough for many people to understand the problems.

Gore is worth reading, whatever subject he is writing on. The guy has a scientific mind and is able to digest the data and unlike most politicians, he writes his own books.

Lets open it up for everyone and irritate Hey Dook