> When will global warming kill us?

When will global warming kill us?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Am 14 and I want to know will I live a full life , or will I die beaches of global warning or other stuff like meteor

Well maybe if you work hard for the next 50 yrs paying carbon taxes, increased energy bills along with income tax, retail tax, local government tax, property tax, tv tax(UK only), road tax , car tax, inheritance tax, capital gains tax etc etc , then maybe the people who told you to be afraid will be able to use your money to solve everything. You'll have spent a lifetime working hard and given most it away but at least you won't be scared of a 0.2 degree rise in temperature.

Joel, I wish I could assure you of a long healthy and active life. But bad things can happen to anybody, and you are no different from the many people in every previous generation. Your fears at your age are common, as you have become old enough to be aware and yet still rather helpless to do much about things. There's not going to be some single day where everyone just fries because it is too hot. There will be more heat waves than we have now, storms like Sandy will be more common and at the same time drought and water shortages will be more common. Every generation has new problems to manage, and your generation will have many problems due to a changing climate. Yeah, you are more likely to be in a heat wave that causes some (especially elderly) people to die too young, but you are much less likely than were your great great grandparents of being killed by a bear or war. Count your blessings.

For an overview of the types of changes you can expect you can download a pamphlet on this page.


This is from the National Academy of Science, the association of the greatest scientists in the country. This explains what real scientists, to the best of their knowledge, are expecting. It might be a bit boring, but it will help you understand that scientists expect people to be around in 100 years, just with new issues to deal with. You can start on page 20 for the impacts that global warming is having, but you might also be interested in the entire pamphlet as it explains things like how scientists know what is happening.

Personally, I do not believe that global warming will kill us. Do some research and ask yourself what you think will happen. Formulate your opinion.

According to Inconvenience Truth we only had until 2008 to stop global warming.

Now it is too late.

There is no global warming, but meteors are a worry, one exploded over Russia this year, we should be spending some more of the money we spend on climate change on meteor search.

A long time from now.

All of us? Never. But I wonder about those who would even be willing to sacrifice one life to the denailist gods; oil, coal and SUVs.

No one really knows......

Am 14 and I want to know will I live a full life , or will I die beaches of global warning or other stuff like meteor