> What are your opinions on earth's climate change and how it can affect the evolution of biodiversity?

What are your opinions on earth's climate change and how it can affect the evolution of biodiversity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Rapid climate change will tend to decrease biodiversity, because any species that can't adapt well to the change will either reduce in number or go extinct. Generalists will expand into new climates, wiping out previously well-adapted specialists that no longer have their prior advantages. Since generalists are already (by their nature) fairly widespread species, this will tend to decrease overall biodiversity.

Climate changes will effect the biodiversity adversely. The different organisms in the biodiversity can't live freely because of the climate changes. The habitat loss, the changes in the environmental factors such as temperature, humidity all will affect their life. It can cause the extinction of many species.

This is yahoo answers, not a educational site that uses science and facts. So if you are going to use opinions then it would be useful to understand some of the background of the people who have posted theirs. For instance Maxx is one of those young earth creationist you might have heard about and Jim Z is a right wing extremist who is of the opinion that even Fox News is left of of center.

As for my background, I am an electrician, run my own business and politically I am both a libertarian and a socialist. I also believe that I should do no harm and if I damage something I should try to rectify it. As part of my efforts I have doubled the insulation in this house and switched my light bulbs to CFL's and LED, in order to reduce my carbon footprint even further I hope to install solar panels on my roof as soon as I can afford to.

My opinion is based on the the majority of the climate scientist and that climate change will have both a positive and negative effects, also that the negative effects will outweigh the positive effects. With regard to evolution, a change in climate will cause some species to die off, others to thrive and some to migrate. Humans have the ability to adapt and with genetic manipulation we are able to develop food crops to withstand the different climatic conditions. We can desalinate ocean water and pump it wherever we need it to go. And in my opinion it is the polluter who should be footing the bill for prevention and remediation of the negative effects of pollution. Intelligent life will survive and even thrive, however with genetic modification future "humans" might not be recognizable as human to the people alive today.

And I am always amazed how many of those deniers (of the sciences) who are also outspoken proponents of an extreme form of free markets [1], object to taking responsibility for the negative effects of their actions, or even inaction in the light of the scientific evidence. Instead most of the regular deniers here in this section of yahoo answers are claiming it is a conspiracy by thousands of scientist all over the world, falsifying the science in order to persuade politicians to raise taxes on every one. (including the scientist and even the politicians)

There is even one religious fruitcake who claims that his god has his hand on the (global) thermostat.

Climates always change. Recently we have had people of a leftist political slant try to use that to push their agenda. Biodiversity doesn't really evolve. Organism evolve through the process of natural selection. Changing climates will affect the biodiversity of ecosystems since it favors those organisms that are less specialized and more generalists. That is probably why there are fewer species in Montana than there are in Costa Rica.

When it comes down to our planet's climate, opinions do not matter. What does the science tell us will happen? Opinions cannot be used as legitimate answers to a scientific question.

There is no **man-made** Global Warming or Climate Change according to top scientists that should know.

First, please understand that the REAL debate is about "man-made" Global Warning --- not global warming. It's true there has been a little natural warming over the last several decades but it was NOT caused by human activity.

Man-made Global Warming advocates have no empirical science to back their claim. And their advocacy movement has been mired in scandal since its beginning. Here are some things you should know:

1) The Earth has been both much warmer and much colder in the distant past, long before the industrial age. Climate is indeed changing, but it has always changed and probably always will. These are obviously natural cycles that man does not and cannot control.

2) Global Warming alarmists have been caught in one lie after another. Huge scandals have been continuously revealed since the early 1980’s when the campaign began. Some of these are listed below:

3) Al Gore’s movie "An Inconvenient Truth" was full of bald faced lies. Like the Polar Bears were drowning, or the Ice Caps were melting, or the oceans were rising --- all lies. In fact a court of England ruled the movie was so flawed that it could not be shown to school children without a disclaimer.

4) The ClimateGate affair exposed the utter corruption of the Warmist community with their exposed emails speaking of how they intended to “hide the decline” and how to manipulate data and the peer-review process in their favor.

5) Then there is the fact that the globe isn’t even warming anymore and the small amount of warming experienced from the 1900’s to 2013 timeframe was negligible and well within the envelope of normal.

6) During this same period of marginal warming, scientists also noticed that other planets in our solar system were warming. What do these planets have in common ? --- the Sun.

7) Phil Jones, head of the Climatic Research Unit, the Guru and High Priest of Global Warming himself admitted there has been no statistically significant warming. If anyone on the planet would have been aware of statistically significant warming it would have been Phil Jones and he admitted there has been none. (Game Over)

8) Warmists like Al Gore refuse to engage in any formal debate on the issue. That’s because on the few occasions Warmist have debated openly, they lose, and they lose big. Lord Monckton utterly destroys them time and time again.

9) Al Gore and other Warmists have stated clearly that they want to make CO2 the object of a global tax. CO2 is the perfect object for their revenue purposes because you literally cannot live without making CO2, after all, we exhale it. And good science has revealed that no correlation exist to show CO2 drives warming. Demonizing CO2 is all about the tax dollars, and that’s all its about.

See the scam for what it is and don’t believe any of it.

Polar Bears are doing fine:


Phil Jones admits NO statistically significant warming


35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Graphs showing that CO2 does NOT drive Temperature


Warming on Mars -- and Jupiter, Pluto, Neptune


Lord Monckton destroys Warmist in debate (Video)


For the full story on the man-made Global Warming scam watch these:

The Great Global Warming Swindle

My opinion is that history tells us that climate changes and that it messes with everything. Instead of focusing on changing it somehow, we should be focusing on how it will change and what can we do to survive, to feed everyone while it is happening.

climate change is natural and not caused by co2 or man it is caused by the sun

This is a project that we are trying out for our school and we would be very happy if you can summit good opinions on because we are planing on using them in the project as a legitimate answer
