> Am I worrying too much about global warming? Is it really that bad?

Am I worrying too much about global warming? Is it really that bad?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Funny how people's perception of the world starts from the day they are born. They forget or fail to realize the world existed billions of years before they were born and will exist for billions of years after they die.

Geological records prove that antarctica was once a lush and densely populated forest chuck full of dinosaurs. Also, records prove that not too long ago, geologically speaking, the earth had no polar ice. If the world existed fine back then with that kind of global warming then it will do fine with it again.

Climate is always changing. If you study the anthropogenic climate change/global warming issue in depth you'll understand that it is more of a socially political issue than a geological issue. Follow the money. Literally. It's nothing more than a scheme to coerce social changes and redistribution of wealth through taxes by rampant activist ideologues in political organizations and governments.

Want proof? Research UN angenda 21 and then research the charter treaty proposed in the 2009 Copenhagen climate summit. Follow the money. None of those proposals would have any impact on climate. It's all about restructuring social order to conform to a failed ideology.

Real climate change takes far longer than many of our lifetimes put together. These people are trying to scare you into believing in an unproven theory much the way religious fanactics use the threats of heaven and hell and the like to compell social order.

When I was a kid in the early 70's, all the talk was about the coming ice age....it scared me badly. Then in the late 80's, there was the ozone hole scare. I will never forget this: when I was in college, a professor predicted that within 20 years the entire world would be a night-shift society because of the expanding ozone hole (that was around 25 years ago).

After you've been through a few of these things, you'll learn not to worry so much.

Don't Worry..

Of course it is bad,

but it will effect slowly, Not like flooding or Something like you watch in Movies.

It's not a big deal; stop being a wuss.

You really shouldn't be worrying... I had actually though they had proven Global warming as a myth.

I heard somewhere that worrying will give you wrinkles, and make you look older... just a bit of friendly advice: Don't worry about what will happen tomorrow. Live TODAY! =)

There are so many opinions and views on global warming.

I'm 15 and I'm terrified of global warming, over the last week I've thought it about it everyday. Will it flood England and loads of other countries and kill everyone? Can the temperatures reach a cap or will they carry on until we burn?

I'm truly scared, but I just need reassuring. I won't die of it in this lifetime, will I?

I sound like a massive wuss, but it's a big deal.
