> Why do they say all the oil is running out, theres always loads in tesco?

Why do they say all the oil is running out, theres always loads in tesco?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
like sunflower oil and vegtable oil and that

Because a fear appeal is a cheap and easy way of getting the people to stop thinking, and instead, accept the dictates of those who would rule them.

"The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary." --H. L. Mencken

Speaking of oil reserves, the reality of it is that there is still a lot of oil to go around http://dailyfusion.net/2013/10/not-runni... . What we should do about it depends very much on a point of view: we could either assume that we have enough time to slowly replace the core energy generation capacity with other energy sources, or that oil won’t go away by itself and should be replaced via policy decisions and other mechanisms.

Not sure if your just trolling but il answer anyway.

When people say oil is running out they mean oil from fossil fuel. So oil you put in your car. Sunflower oil is not a fossil fuel.

Also, just because its in tescos, doesnt mean its not running out. It just means tesco is still willing to sell it.

When it comes to looking at things in the world that are running out, you need to look on a global scale, not whats in your town.

I don't think anybody is claiming the oil is running out. That was the premise to the Mad Max series (Road Warrior etc). I'm pretty sure there is lot of oil in the world. Sunflower and veggie oils are different from petroleum oils which are formed over millions and hundreds of millions of years. Oils derived from plants are renewable.

Those oils are cooking oils that have only a a small fraction originating from the crude oil originally sourced from oil fields/rigs. There appears to be loads but only for a few more decades. After that it is expected to run out. It is on a scale wider than you could imagine so the shops and gas stations at this point would have enough.

The same people, those susceptible to Ehrlichism, have been predicting the end of oil since the 1890s and probably before. Even though they are always proved wrong, they always arrogantly suggest this time it is different. Although there is a finite supply, there is clearly hundreds of years worth of petroleum in the ground and as technology and knowledge increase, that amount will probably increase.

If you've got a diesel car, with a few modifications you could run it on cooking oil. Now compare the amount of cooking oil on the shelves to the amount of petrol and diesel in the filling station outside and you'll begin to see the size of the problem.


They? Oil?

Define your terms.

When it is said that oil is running out it is in reference to oil from fossil fuels. The oils you mention are of low energy and have a low return on energy invested to energy gained.

Jim Z

Did you overlook the return of energy investment (EROI) I have already mentioned. The Canadian Tar Sands are a very large deposit of oil, but very little net energy is returned due to the low quality of the oil and the energy that is expended to bring it to market.



like sunflower oil and vegtable oil and that

The really sad thing is, your serious