> How do humans cause global warming (10 points urgent)?

How do humans cause global warming (10 points urgent)?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 

Take a look at his natural or manmade link as well.

I don't want info unless the source is from someone reliable like a government website

If that's the case then you are setting yourself to be fed lies as we all know how truthful governments are.

I'll give you a clue, there is no 'real' evidence that humans cause the warming which hasn't happened for the past 20 years.

Your faith in government websites or newspapers is amazing and misplaced, both use global warming to their advantage, one to sell newspapers (the more sensational the better) the other to increase their controls and reduce the effects of democracy.

What is needed is an independent body, divorced from political and financial means to study and report, unfortunately there is no such thing.

My best advice is to study the official line and also the skeptical blog sites, and to make up your own mind, think don't just listen and accept.

As far as credible sources or information, I would look for published scientific journal articles to best avoid bias or shaky science. The EPA's website can provide you with some good data, but for the most part steer away from news or other government publications. You are NOT going to find any sort of credible publication that flat out says "humans cause global climate change or global warming". It is far too complex of a topic, which is probably why you're having trouble. You WILL find publications that discuss 1. the amount of carbon or methane generated by human activities, and 2. the connection between excess carbon or methane in the atmosphere and global climate change. Those two together bring us to the conclusion that, human activities accelerate global climate change.

It is not so much that humans cause global warming, but cause/accelerate global climate change. In the scientific community "global warming" has been replaced by the term "global climate change". And it is hard to find a scientist that does not feel humans play at least some roll in global climate change. Human influence does not cause warming but simply overall changes in the natural balance of ecosystems. There are several human activities that contribute to this:

- driving a car (burning fuel, emitting carbon)

- throwing things into a landfill (decomposing waste, emitting methane)

- using electricity (bring coal, emitting carbon)

- flying on a plane (burning fuel, emitting carbon)

...the list goes on and on

This can all be looked at in terms of gases emitted into the atmosphere. Almost all human activities (i.e. driving a car, using electricity, sending garbage to a landfill) emit carbon or methane or some kind of gas into the atmosphere. Increased levels of carbon, methane, or any greenhouse gas, raises the temperature of the earth. Increases in temperature trigger a domino effect of ecological responses. Animals and plants that usually die or migrate in colder temperatures breed and live for longer periods of time, consuming more food and water that they did not before. Ocean temperatures rise, allowing marine animals to swim into areas that are not best suited for their survival, causing them to die or eat other animals that they normally wouldn't. Human, animal, and plant disease spread and survive more easily in warmer temperatures. Worst of all, the polar ice caps begin to melt. This is a huge problem because the polar ice caps are our greatest source of fresh water. Once they melt into the ocean, the water becomes salt water, not longer suitable for human consumption.

Let me know if you have any more questions. I'm an environmental scientist but this is a complex topic to sum up in a little paragraph haha.

Good luck!

"unless the source is from someone reliable like a goverment website or maybe a reliable newspaper"

Ha ha, best joke I have heard for a long time. They are the ones that say "humans" created it so they can tax us on it. Only the nieve still believe them, the rest of us know it was going on long before humans existed on this planet and will continue long after we have gone.

start at NASA, unless you think they faked the moon landings.

you can use the google advanced search and limit to sites that end with GOV or EDU. The COM sites are not as reliable

They don't --- the Sun does.

THIS is what caused the slight amount of warming --- not humans!


Watch !

Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

avoid conservative and big oil propaganda

go science;




If anyone can give me a RELIABLE website that explains why humans cause global warming then that would be amazing. I don't want info unless the source is from someone reliable like a goverment website or maybe a reliable newspaper (something reliable!!) thank you sosososos much 10 pts for best answer thanks x