> Are you a member of the church of?

Are you a member of the church of?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Al Gore and if so whats your opinion of this

Thanks for forwarding this. Ha! Ha! A year ago I put forth the fact that in the sixties and seventies, the phony scientists of that time were pushing an imminent Ice Age. I was called a liar (that's putting it mildly) on this site.

You have to be a religious zealot to believe in AGW. Their High Priest is Al Gore and the fanatical followers of him are useful idiots, as Stalin called such like ones. Al's Cardinal Priest is Paul Ehrlich, just look at what he says.

The battle to feed humanity is over. In the 1970s, the world will undergo famines. Hundreds of millions of people are going to starve to death in spite of any crash programs embarked upon now. -- Paul Ehrlich - The Population Bomb (1968)

In ten years all important animal life in the sea will be extinct. Large areas of coastline will have to be evacuated because of the stench of dead fish. -- Paul Ehrlich, Earth Day (1970)

"(By 1995) somewhere between 75 and 85 percent of all the species of living animals will be extinct." Sen. Gaylord Nelson, quoting Dr. S. Dillon Ripley, Look magazine, April 1970.

“"By the year 2000 the United Kingdom will be simply a small group of impoverished islands, inhabited by some 70 million hungry people ... If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000." Paul Ehrlich 1971

I lived through those days.

The only reason to not call it a religion is that when a religious person makes a prediction which doesn't come true, then he is called out as a false prophet and never listened to again. As far as environmental concerns, those type of people are made heroes.

My opinion of the video is that it’s yet another example of how skeptics and deniers are forced to lie in order to maintain their delusion. Anyone who watches that video and believes it might as well hold their hands up and admit that they’re gullible, ill-informed and easily duped.

There was no global cooling scare in the 1970’s. This is a lie perpetuated by the skeptics and deniers. Despite countless requests for them to provide any evidence to support their claims they have consistently failed to do so. See if you can be the first – one link to any scientific study conducted anywhere in the world by any person or organisation that stated we were heading into an ice-age or a period of disastrous global cooling.

If the skeptics and deniers are right you’ll have no trouble at all, you should be able to find thousands of such links. If the skeptics are lying then you won’t find anything. I already know what the result is.

The FACTS are that sulphate and black particulate emissions in the middle of the 20th century caused a degree of global dimming, this was approximately equal to the magnitude of warming caused by greenhouse gas emissions. The result was that for approx 30 years the warming and cooling components were balanced and there was little change in the average global temperature.

Some scientists correctly pointed out that if the dimming trend were to continue or be enhanced then a period of global cooling would follow. This was a hypothesis based on a set of circumstances that the scientists knew was extremely unlikely to happen. The world had already began passing Clean Air Acts and the sulphate and BPM dimming was already receding when these hypotheses were made.

Scientists hypothesise now that a large enough meteorite impact would induce short-term rapid warming followed by several years of extensive cooling. They are NOT saying this is what will happen, just as they were NOT saying an ice-age was imminent back in the 1970’s.

Unfortunately the people who post videos such as the one you linked to aren’t sufficiently informed to pass an honest comment about the ‘global cooling scare’ so instead they make ridiculously stupid mistakes and jump to all the wrong conclusions. Those that follow them don’t know any better so they fall into the same trap.

In any event, the video you linked to is nothing more than politics. Climate change skeptics can’t discuss the science of global warming because they don’t understand it, instead they politicise the issue. Which is precisely what you’re doing by referencing the likes of Al Gore.

You are not suppose to make fun of stupidity, someone Church, the ignorant nor people who are mislead.

We are suppose to point out God said some will worship the creation rather than the Creator.

We should also point point people who are trying to hoax the people with false data, I would call that a scam.

It would also have to ask if there isn't global warming and they know that by now because they changed it to global climate change that it isn't about the climate but about people who want to control other people? Or worse people who want to play God.

So to answer your question NO I AM not a member of the Al Gore Church.

The stupid lie about the "global cooling scare" has been debunked hundreds of times here already. How about a copy-cat fake question about the "church" of the round earth, or the "church" of 2+2=4? That would be more original.

I'm a Methodist and a scientist. As a Methodist I believe that lying is wrong, and as a scientist I know that your YouTube video does not represent the scientific evidence accurately. Below is a link to the scientific evidence in pictures and graphs that show why your video is wrong, and another link which discusses the factors that contribute to global warming and how man is one of the major factors.

i wouldn't be a member of Al Gores massage club for swingers

It is pretty funny that it's the EXACT same language the alarmists use today. Just substitute "Warming" for "Cooling" and it's the same fear mongering.

No I'm Roman Catholic.

Al Gore and if so whats your opinion of this
