> Where do the denialists get this particular delusion from?

Where do the denialists get this particular delusion from?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
It is what they have been told - it makes sense to them in terms of their paranoid conspiracy theories - and they never waste their time actually thinking about anything that they accept on faith as true.

Government does not need excuses to raise taxes; and, as lame as politicians are, even they are not stupid enough to invent an excuse based on something that they collectively know less than nothing about - science - but that 10s of thousands of scientists around the world do know about.

The fact that Deniers accept and parrot such a pathetic and idiotic explanation is evidence that their political belief system is empirically detached from physical reality and intellectually bankrupt, and that they are individually and collectively incapable of creative, critical (aka skeptical), and rational (i.e., based on reason and logic) thought.


Paine --

>>Not everybody accepts the science for anthropic global warming.<<

Every major physical, chemical, and biological scientific organization on the planet accepts it and has issued an official statement affirming its scientific validity.


Abacus --

>>Hitler said, "Tell a Big Lie often enough and everyone will start to believe it." <<

That quote is usually attributed to Goebbels; however, neither he nor Hitler ever said it.

In "Mein Kampf" Hitler wrote:

“In this they [the Jews] proceeded on the sound principle that the magnitude of a lie always contains a certain factor of credibility, since the great masses of the people in the very bottom of their hearts tend to be corrupted rather than consciously and purposely evil, and that, therefore, in view of the primitive simplicity of their minds, they more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a little one, since they themselves lie in little things, but would be ashamed of lies that were too big. Such a falsehood will never enter their heads, and they will not be able to believe in the possibility of such monstrous effrontery and infamous misrepresentation in others.…”

Not only can you not reduce that statement to the false quote, it means the opposite of people claim that it means. Hitler was not advocating the "Tell a Big Lie..." strategy - he was accusing the enemies of Nazism of practicing it.

>>Here is a short, fact-filled article that sums up AGW beautifully:<<

The "facts" in the article are as inaccurate and false as your Hitler quote. Your facts and research skills may be worthless - but they are consistent.

Money driven misinformation. The Fossil Fuel Industry. Years ago Big Oil paid scientists to lie in court to keep lead in gasoline after if was discovered lead in the air could cause brain damage.

They are at it again.

Two examples;

Robert M. Carter:Carter is critical of the IPCC and believes statements about dangerous human-caused global warming are unjustified. In 2012, documents acquired from The Heartland Institute revealed that Carter was paid a monthly fee of $1,667 (USD), "as part of a program to pay 'high-profile individuals who regularly and publicly counter the alarmist [anthropogenic global warming] message'." While Carter did not deny that the payments took place, he declined to discuss the payments. Carter has denied that his scientific opinion on climate change can be bought.

Marc Morano's career began working for Rush Limbaugh. Climate Depot.com run by Morano, is funded by Richard Mellon Scaife- is an American billionaire, a principal heir to the Mellon banking, oil, and aluminum fortune. Bill Nye graduated with a Bachelor of Science in 1977, occasionally returns to Cornell as a professor. Morano is paid to lie, Nye is a fricken Scientist!?

Just 20 years ago, people complaining about taxation would say a joke about how the Gvmt would tax the air if they could get away with it.

In 2014, it's no longer a joke, but reality.

Never under-estimate the gullibility of people.

Hitler said, "Tell a Big Lie often enough and everyone will start to believe it."

Here is a short, fact-filled article that sums up AGW beautifully:


Not everybody accepts the science for anthropic global warming. Whether somebody is deluded is subjective, most Christians are deluded in my opinion, yet if provoked they'll dig up an argument or two. There are a sizeable number of people who believe in Christianity and would say i'm deluded, who is correct?

I do not have much against taxes, Europe has had large taxes on gasoline and diesel for many years and it hasn't hurt them too much, taxes are okay as long as they are spent properly.

What I hate is using climate change to impose more rules and regulations, more controls over people, the attempt to limit free speech.

I would support carbon taxes if industries that donated to political campaigns were not exempt and if the taxes collected went for anything other then buying more jet fuel for Al Gore'e airplane.

There is some truth to the statement that the government would tax the air we breath. However, the denialists who make that claim either don't know the difference between fossil carbon and the biological carbon cycle. Or they don't give realists credit for knowing the difference.

I often see comments from Certain Parties suggesting that the Powers that Be that are, in their minds, making up global warming want to impose "breathing taxes" and other drastic restrictions, *from which they will be exempt*.

Now, I fully realize that too many of the wealthy in this country have a bad habit of getting out of paying taxes, following the law, and so on. And it is likely that, if there were drastic environmental restrictions passed, some wealthy people would manage to work their way around them, in one way or another. But, I find it very hard to believe that anything close to *every* wealthy person would evade the law (which is part of why I think such drastic restrictions are unlikely to be passed). So, any idea where this particular bit of denialist brain-fever comes from?