> Should I worry about pollution harming our planet?

Should I worry about pollution harming our planet?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
First, you should likely talk about the same thing and not three separate issues.

Throwing trash out onto the street. This is actually good for the environment, or at least better than our current method of burying our trash. The trash on the street is more exposed to the elements and thus is able to biodegrade faster. That being said, I do not recommend this action as it has the negative consequences of both being unsightly and unsanitary. A case could be made that trash collectors do more in increasing our lifespan then doctors. When you look at medieval times, and their methods of trash disposal combined with their disease rate, it become clear that proper trash disposal saves lives.

Smog. Smog is not caused by CO2. CO2 is odorless and colorless. Smog come from less efficient burning. You will note that our smog level in the US have drastically decreased, yet our energy production has not. The methods used to reduce smog do not generally reduce CO2 emissions.

Now as far as having a BBQ. If you are burning wood, then you are not really adding to the CO2 content of the atmosphere as that wood would end up biodegfrading and putting that CO2 back into the atmosphere anyways. Of course, burning wood does allow compounds to escape that would lead to smog. Burning charcoal would lead to more CO2 in the atmosphere, but generlaly the amount of fuel used for BBQ's is so small that it is really not worht mentioning, so I would suggest you BBQ as much as you want. If you are concerned about the extra CO2, simply make sure you get what you need for your BBQs in less trips. You make one less trip and you have likely covered the difference.

SO... My recommendation is to recycle, reuse and reduce. If you reuse and reduce what you use, it is going to save you money and is better for the environment. Recycling does not cost you money and sometimes can make you money, plus its better for the environment.

Get fuel-efficient cars. They are better for the environment and cost you less money.

If it is an option for you start looking into solar panels. You can save money on your electric bills.

None of this means I believe in the "catastrophic" consequences of global warming. Sure some warming is occurring, and we should lessen our CO2 emissions, but the world is not ending and there is no reason to panic. But there is always reason to save money.

One thing I would NOT suggest is changes that are painful. Don't start taking showers only once a month. Don't spend $75K just to get an electric car. First they don't help that much, and most importantly, you may get sick of it and also stop doing the small easy things as well.

1) Do recycle, because it makes economic sense

2) Anthropogenic global warming has not been substantiated with credible data and th earth is actually ina cooling pattern, so no worries there. It's a hoax as you have stated.

3)Many so called green initiatives have actually consumed more energy than the produce (ethanaol for example)

4) Sure, drive your car, so long as it's pollution control devices are in working order. Barbecue as much as you like. Your contribution is infantessimally insignificant.

What you should worry about is acquiring the ability to sort through the knowledge on various environmental issues and solutions and decide which of them are beneficial and which are not.

And you should start by acknowledging that not all environmental solutions are good, beneficial, needed nor even address the intended problem in the first place. Many just sound good and feel good but that's about it.

I'd also suggest that you separate what could be considered personal choice with what could become public policy. Those who are very deeply rooted in the environmental movement seem keen on thinking their personal choices are so good and so important that they need to make sure everyone acts in the same way they do.

Go ahead and barbecue. Man-made Global Warming is INDEED a HOAX.

There is NO **man-made** Global Warming and there has never been any.

What global warming? It's been cooling for at least 12 years according to HadCrut3 & HadCrut4 is nearly flat. http://www.woodfortrees.org/plot/hadcrut...

According to RSS Satellite data there has been no warming for almost 18 years.

Should you worry about pollution harming our planet? First of all, you aren't that large or important to significantly harm the planet. There is nothing you could do that would "harm" the planet. You could throw garbage in your yard and harm your standing in the neighborhood because your neighbors don't want to see your garbage or have it blow into their yard. Everybody produces pollution. We have to expend resources to minimize that pollution. That means you properly dispose of your trash (and other sources of pollution). This costs money. Trust me, I pay the bills. We all have to decide how much money it is worth to keep our environment as clean as practical. We can't keep it pristine but we try to keep it as close to pristine as practical. If it cost 10 times as much to get it just a little cleaner, you might not choose to pay that.

Let the good times roll. You simply don't have the power to harm the Earth.

If you want to throw garbage in your home, go ahead. If driving your car bothers you, walk. If you like to cook out, go ahead, a simple bbq does nothing to the environment.


Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


No need to worry we all shifting to moon and mars.

nothing you do will make any difference, because the earth will not care about you. so enjoy life.

Some people are saying Global warming is a hoax and global warming alarmists are just making things up, so if Global warming is fake, then it's okay for me to just lay back and relax, cook barbecue, let the smoke go to the atmosphere, forget about renewable energy, throw garbage wherever I want then?

not you only worry about it... we all the people should worry then only we get succes