> Do you believe God promise to Noah that he would not destroy the world by flood again?

Do you believe God promise to Noah that he would not destroy the world by flood again?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
There is no scientific evidence for the Noachian flood. It is a nice story--but it is only a story. People that actually believe in mythology like that should have no voice in any debate over climate change. The scary party is not just that some people believe that nonsense (and it is nonsense, if taken literally), but that there are so many of them. I gave a guest lecture in meteorology at a Christian "college" (the term is apparently used loosely) and before I gave my talk the instructor reviewed some his lectures--and the Great Flood was included! When I talked a little bit about global warming the instructor stopped me and told me to "move on."

These are the people denying science--they believe in religious mythology rather than evidence. Only by the luck of being born in the U.S. are these people fundamentalist Christians, if they had been born in the Middle East these same people would be ISIS.

Yes I do. He didn't say that there would be no floods at all.


There is only enough ice in Greenland and Antarctica to raise sea level by 70 metres. Most of the land is much higher than that. But not all.

Raisin Caine

And if it speeds up, it will get a ticket for speeding.


No. Not at all. But this does not mean I buy the catastrophic portion of the global warming message. The sea levels are currently rising by 1 inch per 8 years. This si hardly a concern for worldwide floding.

The "world" was never destroyed by flood.

There have always been high areas for which there is not enough water to flood.

"The Flood" that's talked about was likely the Mediterranean or the Black Sea, not the entire world.

Absolutely. It is called 'The Rainbow Covenant' and God does not lie.

I think he said he'd send a fire next time. That would be the flames of hell for believing that dinosaurs died out before the Garden of Eden and the fig-leaves.

Yes, I do. That is a large part of the reason why I don't believe in global warming... That and there's no scientific proof.

I think people who believe that mythological stories invented by quasi-historic, semi-nomadic tribes of illiterate sheep herders really happened should be legally declared ' too stupid to vote',

No. I'm an atheist

Yahoo needs to do what Google now does:

Google will stop supporting climate change science deniers, calls them liars


That was Noe Not Noah. Noah is woman name.

Well, if Noe wife was Noah, but the movie calls.the guy Noah.

By the way:

Even the vulcanos are waking up only in the newspapers, there is no proof of global warming


No, but if you do, think about what happens this time if he gets mad at mankind?

No floods. But maybe heat?

Noah is dead, the promise is no longer valid.

Of course I believe that, God said it.
