> Can alarmists not help themselves from lying?

Can alarmists not help themselves from lying?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
All alarmists probably don't lie. Some are just easily fooled.

<<>> Well sorry Miles, but I learned in my geology that the Earth is actually cooling which makes sense considering basic physics. The earth would need a source of energy to warm. The earth is cooling and the atmosphere is cooling and has for billions of years. Ah but you probably mean in the last 50 years or last 100 years. It has warmed somewhat for 300 years. Before that it cooled, before that it warmed. I know I am beating a dead horse expecting it to understand a little science but that darned horse is stubborn.

I lived just south of Vancouver for two years in Ft. Lewis, Washington and in fact it seldom got below freezing.

Your sample size is too small.

You need a larger sample of "alarmists". I mean, are you claiming _all_ "alarmists" lie?

Does it matter what the lie is about? Does it have to be related to one's perception of their local weather, or climate? Or could it be about the attractiveness of someone's baby, or pretending that they'd like to visit their mother-in-law?

If _all_ "alarmists" are lying, you'd have a hard time demonstrating that claim. At best, you could study a representative sample of "alarmists" (does that have something to do with alarm clocks, or a fondness for sirens?) and demonstrate that most or all of that sample are "pathological liars"--but your conclusion would be probabilistic, since it's based on an inductive argument.

You'd also need a control group, and design your experiment so that it is "double blind".

Good luck. Have fun.

I have demonstrated that Maxx is a blatant liar. He no longer lets me answer his questions or look at his questions and answers, probably because he only wants people that go along with his lies.

Jeff Engr blatantly lied too. Many of your buddies can't differentiate fact from fiction, so it's debatable whether they're lying or not, but they're equally wrong either way.

As for your link to the previous question, since he doesn't specify exactly what area of Canada he was talking about, it's a little hard to claim that's a lie. He could still be in B.C. and have been referring to Whistler, rather than Vancouver.

We just agree with people who have a reputation:



"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of all of the major industrialized countries."

And you ?????????

You do realize Ian that your source uses 'just' 12 years of historical data ("from 2000 to 2012") to calculate an average for that period whereas other sources use longer time periods?

I suspect that that is where this 'difference of opinion' comes from which is what this is, not a lie.

Since you ask, I think questions like yours, are meant to be used like a stick to poke at the people who are concerned and educated. Perhaps YA pays people to try to play the class clown.

Absolutely no educated person denies that the planet is warming and thus we can expect the climate to change. This does not mean that palm trees will grow in southern Alberta, but it does mean that climatic changes will effect human life on this planet. Education is the key for anyone truly interested in bettering their understanding of the problem, however you can lead the horse to water but you can't make them think.

Ian - Kropotkin says you need to increase your sample size, so let me help you out. Here is another example of an Alarmists telling a big lie as of just a few days ago.

I posted a link to the "10-10 No Pressure" video where Warmists are blowing up children, and 'Climate Realist' tried to tell me that: "The video about children being blown up was planted by denialists." https://answers.yahoo.com/question/index...

Of course that is a flat-out lie, I had to point him to the Wiki page that shows all the Warmists that were behind that video. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Pressure...

Catching Alarmists lying is not very unusual, lies are all they have.


All leftist ideology is based on some fantasy utopia. This utopia is their divine heaven and the harsh reality of the world is their hell and they can't tolerate it. This is why libtards worldwide are so freaking miserable and depressed all the time when they're sober from the illegal drugs they stone themselves to oblivion with.

The West coast does have lots of mountains. Just because you both live on the West coast does not mean that you live in the same climate.

The Winter Olympics were held in Vancouver/Whistler in 2010.


But, between you and Jeff M, if one of you were lying, it would be you who I would suspect is lying.

Does he? If he does, I would like to hear it from him.

Madd Maxx

If you unblock me, I will answer yes to your question

Yes, Maxx, proven liars and scaremongers like yourself are Immoral, Unethical And Despicable.

Regarding you wiki link. Thanks for pointing it out. But my not being aware of the wiki link =/= lying.

And as pegminer pointed out, you are caught in lies all the time and you block those who point it out that you lie.

No. They are just like addicts. That is the only probable reason for their actions. Nobody could be that immoral just naturally.

I think most people know that alarmists lie repeatedly to further their agenda.

One alarmist here first lied about the weather conditions in January in Vancouver to "make a point". The original lie was


"Usually, during this time of year, it's snowy and below freezing in the part of Canada I am"

Since I live near this alarmist and didn't notice anything that out of the ordinary I checked historical records that showed that it's UNUSUAL for it to get below freezing in the month.


When confronted with FACTS the alarmist said he stood behind his statement, even though the FACTS clearly show his statement was false.

The alarmist then "clarified" his statement and said "What I did state was that average temperatures for January were above normal"... When I pointed out that he said no such thing the alarmist "re clarified" his statement in the comments to... "My point was that at least once every January it snows in Canada. That Jan it did not" (yet another lie)

Basically the alarmist was caught in a lie then told another lie in an attempt to cover his first lie and then lied again to cover his second lie. This seems to fit the definition of a pathological liar


What do you think? Are all alarmists pathological liars?