> Are people that are proven liars and scaremongers to children Immoral, Unethical And Despicable?

Are people that are proven liars and scaremongers to children Immoral, Unethical And Despicable?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Yes, all of them. It is rather despicable that they prey on the young and uneducated.

The theory of the Big Lie was succinctly expounded by Adolf Hitler, an acknowledged master of the genre. Here is what Der Führer wrote in vol. I, Chapter 10 of Mein Kampf (in James Murphy' translation):

"...in the big lie there is always a certain force of credibility; because the broad masses of a nation are always more easily corrupted in the deeper strata of their emotional nature than consciously or voluntarily; and thus in the primitive simplicity of their minds they more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters but would be ashamed to resort to large-scale falsehoods. It would never come into their heads to fabricate colossal untruths, and they would not believe that others could have the impudence to distort the truth so infamously. Even though the facts which prove this to be so may be brought clearly to their minds, they will still doubt and waver and will continue to think that there may be some other explanation. For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it, even after it has been nailed down, a fact which is known to all expert liars in this world and to all who conspire together in the art of lying."

Notice Hitler's expression, "Lie big." and, " For the grossly impudent lie always leaves traces behind it" No matter if the lie is proven false. No matter if the lie is ridiculous, it will leave 'traces'. That is what these fear mongers rely on. With these 'traces' they can cause even reasonable, but not alert, men to make bad decisions.

You can see that these fear mangers are successful by the number of children who write in on this site and say that they can't sleep. That is horrible! But notice the greenies on this site pour it on even more. That is why I call these greenies evil. They are evil.

Dont believe Al Gore. He's only after free money from the public and is'nt in any way tied in with Global Warming. I'm Global Civilian Command in command of Global Teams from all walks of life that searched the planet for the real cause of Global Warming. It turned out that the RUSSIAN DRONES were the first to find the true cause of Global Warming, but did'nt know it. Only my ICELAND teams knew it, because it froze all freshwater on top of saltwater from the melting Glaciers and FROZE immediately. Later my Teams recover the exact spot until they were fired upon. I pulled all my Teams out to start my Global Warming project around the coastal continents. In 2011 I figured out a solution to grow 4 times more food per farm, per year and gave it to the Russian Embassy and after they experimented, They implemented it in 2012. once it was implemented it automatically shut down Global Warming, confirmed by our Saelite reports 11/28/2012 THAT ICE ACCUMULATION was starting to form on different parts of earth once again. If anyone is to get a Nobel Prize it should be Global civilian Command. Mike

There is no controlling legal authority


Here he gets involved in the Tea Pot dome that scandlelized a previous president and reveals his corruption goes back to daddy Gore


My wife taught English to Chinese kids in the summer at this temple so I am very familiar with it. Gore certainly solicited campaign donations from the Communist Chinese


I could go on. Having someone like that accuse people of being despicable should be a badge of honor. Even alarmists are getting tired of defending the rat.

The more I read about what people think of "sceptics" or "deniers" the more I am convinced that there has been no attempt made to find out what they actually believe.

The "consensus" side needed to have an enemy, a bogey-man if you like, to blame for all the problems. We constantly get examoles here. How many answers include a section where one side tries to tell the other what it thinks? Why not ask them instead and find out?

How many people think there is no need to answer a question here unless every aspect of the question is "approved" in some way. If someone asks if 2 + 2 = 4, how does a check of desmog or sourcewatch give any real insight into the truth of the matter?

It is much easier for Big Al to get up and berate the bogey-men for the problems. It would be much harder for him to say that we all agree and still nothing is happening.

Although a sceptic, I am also one of the 97%. I believe that the earth has warmed since 1880 and that man-made CO2 has played a role in that. I am still waiting for the scientists to tell me exactly what proportion of the warming was caused by man, though. To my eyes, the changes we have seen do not appear to be outside the realm of natural variability.

The true climate change evangelist, like Gore,will use any trick in the book to further the politics. They left the science behind some years ago. So, yes, many of the terms they throw at their opponents sit very well with themselves.

Yes, you are.


Delusions are delusions, Maxx. What Al Gore does or doesn't do has absolutely no effect on the truth or falsity of climate science. That you claim otherwise is illogical.

Further, some blog claims that they are showing you pics of Gore's house *maybe*. "Maybe" is quite a weasel word here, isn't it? If it's at ocean level, how come here are no pics of the ocean from the house? Innuendo - you can stick it ... innuendo. It is suggested that the house, which may or may not be Gore's, is at sea level, but if so, why no pics? Strange omission, don'tcha think? You are apparently offering nothing but lies and innuendo - you have offered no evidence for your claim or the claim of that blog. Can't you do better than that?

I wonder how many more ethical and moral PSA ads the AGW cultists will create which depicts government paid authority figures murdering small children who dare think the wrong thoughts about humanity caused global warming. I'm pretty damn sure Algore and the like approved that message.

It's real easy to tell who is amoral and unethical with the concocted issue.

I have a few stones I'd like to throw at Al Gore's glass house.


Yes they are. I think Al Gore believes in CAGW as much as I do... not at all. For him, it's all about the money. He sold his TV station to Arabs for goodness sake.

Yes. Deniers should be charged with Crimes Against Humanity

Yes. They are not only immoral, unethical but also more than this. Such people should be cut off from the social environment and must not be given any help and assistance.

Al Gore recently called skeptics of man-made Global Warming Immoral, Unethical And Despicable. http://weaselzippers.us/183066-al-gore-calls-global-warming-skeptics-immoral-unethical-and-despicable/

But it's Al Gore that gets rich propagandizing and scaremongering children as a British court determined.

35 major errors in Al Gore’s movie


Court rules Al Gore’s movie unfit without disclaimer (11 major errors reviewed)


Who is the one that is REALLY Immoral, Unethical And Despicable?
