> Can you describe the carbon cycle in words of one syllable?

Can you describe the carbon cycle in words of one syllable?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
<(this was reported once, so I'm trying it again...)>

The denialists hate the truth and want to suppress it.

Biological carbon cycle

Carbon dioxide is removed from the atmosphere by plants in a process called photosynthesis. Respiration, fermentation and fire returns the carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Over time, the biological carbon cycle is balanced.

Geological carbon cycle

Some carbon dioxide is absorbed by the ocean and becomes part of limestone and dolomite. Limestone is absorbed by Earth's interior at convergin tectonic plates. This carbon dioxide is released into the atmosphere with volcanoes.

A very small part ot the biological carbon is converted into fossil fuels; oil, coal and natural gas. These fossil fuels are stored in the Earth's crust for very long periods of time. Eventually they are released into the atmosphere and are oxidized. Humans have upset this process by burning fossil fuel, speeding up the conversion of fossil fuels into atmospheric carbon dioxide by a factor of about 1 million.


I don't usually say to much about being TDd, but in this case, it proves my point.

Carbon cycle deals which the origin of carbon on the earth and the path of the carbon and how it is recycled. The sources of carbon can be fuel, plants etc. From that the carbon reaches in different organisms and at last it reaches to the origin. The CO2 is the major source of the carbon, the CO2 is utilized by the plants for food precessing, then it reaches to the animals by the food chain. The last part in any food chain is the decomposer, so the carbon at last reaches to the decomposer and it reached at the earth.


The "best" for all of life.

Relating carbon dioxide to a detrimental (bad) substance in our atmosphere is a terrible way to relate to children. Advertising fear of "too much carbon into the carbon cycle" to children without due cause is a form of psychological abuse. I agree with Pindar and Kano in relating to the carbon cycle when it comes to children. Carbon dioxide cycling (i.e. "the carbon cycle") is the basis of all life.

Carbon is "good" to have in the atmosphere. Anthropologically induced Global Warming is very negligible and has been (so far) unproven. The planet is well within natural temperature variances.

I disagree with climate realist, once earths atmosphere was the same as Mars and Venus about 95% CO2 but life converted it into carbonates (limestone coal etc) maybe 4% of the earths crust is made up of limestone, as for being recycled by tectonics and volcanoes, not true only a fraction of the CO2 converted into carbonates is released by volcanoes.

Before mans influence this earth was slowly starving itself of CO2

Your questions are always demeaning to anyone who doesn't agree with you and given the situation I understand you like to stick with that theme.

3% of natural emissions is a lot and does cause the total amount in the atmosphere to increase, but there is no evidence that the amount is harmful (it's not synonymous with spraying sewage into the air), causes unprecedented warming, is reason to alter the history of climate change to bolster your position, is or will make weather patterns worse, is a reason to try and force technology to bend to our will, or that only the uneducated are swayed by uncertainty and failed predictions.

Things emit carbon. Things absorb carbon. There was balance.

Humans dig up carbon. Humans add new carbon to sky. Same number of things that absorb carbon. Carbon increases in sky.

Carbon in sky make things warm. Carbon increase in sky by humans make things warmer!

you live you dye , we are a carbon life form , carbon is every were.

carb good, make life on earth, no carb make dead world, love carb and do not fear.

Well, not necessarily *entirely* words of one syllable, but can you describe the carbon cycle, and in particular how it relates to anthropogenic carbon emissions vs total atmospheric carbon increase and the "human emissions are only 3% of natural emissions" claim, in such a way that the average third grader, or science-challenged high school dropout, can understand it? (Aim for comprehensibility more than precision, please. This is a place where en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lies_to_children may be appropriate)

(this was reported once, so I'm trying it again...)