> Why did the government make up global warming?

Why did the government make up global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The government didn't make up global warming. Scientists discovered global warming.


Global warming is not a man made concept it is a true problem societies around the world are facing today. Some opposers might say it is the earth's natural warming cycle, but the main evidence to point against this can be seen through the fact that ever since the industrial revolution, the first time man relied heavily on fossil fuels, average annual temperatures have been going up in direct reflection of increased co2 levels in the atmosphere. Support for global warming can also be seen through the fact that more and more countries are experiencing more and more extreme weather phenomena, whether that translates to excessive rain or excessive droughts. Sure governments might exaggerate the truth a little here and there in order to gain further support for the cause, but for the most part global warming is a real threat that needs to be dealt with in its infant phases before it explodes into a major problem.

The global warming is an environmental problem faced by al most all countries. There are so many disasters occurring now a days due to global warming. The some disasters first seem to be a natural disaster but the studies shows that the reason for the disaster actually is global warming. The government can take necessary actions to prevent or reduce the global warming. The main reason for global warming is the increases in green house gases. The greenhouse gases like CO2 increased in the earth because of pollution, deforestation etc. The government can arrange some programs in the societies which can guide the people about the reason for global warming. With the programs, governments can create some laws which help in preventing the global warming.

Global warming has always occurred but is now at an accelerated rate which is why it has come to everyone's attention. If you studied science, geography or even history you would be a bit more informed on the matter

Watch the movie: The Inconvenient Truth. It's a movie about Al Gore's attempts to solve global warming. It's really good and you'll learn the truth about global warming.

Money....Power.....and a handful of corrupt, so-called 'scientists' with a misplaced sense of self-importance.

Remember how "scientists' assured us that corn ethanol as a fuel would be cleaner/safer than regular gasoline??

A year or two later, it was determined that ethanol is MORE TOXIC than regular gas.....BUT we taxpayers continue to be sucked out of $Billions every year to subsidize that crap and poison ourselves ....and not one scientist has been called on to account for this crime....not one!

It's all about $$$.

"In Russia and China they call these people Communist, in America they call them Democrats or Liberals or Warmists or Environmentalists. In Germany in the early 1940's they called them Nazis. They are all the same."

Anyone old enough to remember the Public Service Advertisement: "This is your brain on drugs."?

I believe global warming was a genuine concern by some scientist, but it got hijacked by politics and exaggerated and used for their own purposes like imposing more taxes.

There are no more extreme weather events now, than before, just extreme weather reporting.

For the last 15yrs there has been no temperature rise, even though CO2 continues to rise.

This belongs in the financial section. All crisis will be paid for by the banks. Banks control the Government anymore. Not issues. Why do you think the "banks bailed out the banks"? People are very uneducated about how financing works here in the U.S. and other countries. Issues are just a reason for the Banks to finance Government matters. Wars are always fought, but banks are always ready to finance a war. It's all about the money!

Try looking up how our Government is truly financed. Pay especial attention to how and why the Federal Reserve Banking System was established and how all Federal Taxpayers are the guarantee of payment for most all debt incurred by the Federal Government. Global Warming is just a small part of the game for the financial elites.

The man-made Global Warming scam is just a branch of the Green movement and it's goals are 1) power, 2) money and 3) the establishment of world socialism.

Isn't it funny that Warmist/Environmentalist goals would accomplish everything the Leftist/Commies have been trying to achieve on a global scale since the early 1940's? That is no accident or coincidence.

You will note that the real Warmist/Environmentalist goals have nothing to do with the environment or the little furry creatures, it's all about gaining power and maintaining that power.

In Russia and China they call these people Communist, in America they call them Democrats or Liberals or Warmists or Environmentalists. In Germany in the early 1940's they called them Nazis. They are all the same.

The reason socialism is so popular with tyrants is because it allows them to maintain their power much more easily than in a true republic. Socialism serves to get the entire population under the government's thumb. Under socialism/collectivism you have no rights, you do as you are told. You own no property and you dare not speak out against the powers that be, unless you want to find yourself in a re-education camp or dead, depending on the harshness of the regime.

In America we are not quite to that point yet but we are swiftly moving in that direction.

If the Warmist/Environmentalist/Communist/Nazis... whatever you want to call them have their way, we will be an enslaved population just like much of the world is under Communism and other tyrannical regimes.

But the new excuse for your collectivist enslavement will be 'for the planet' instead of 'for the fatherland.'


They want people to conserve instead of waste resources. Like wasting water on GRASS!

Taxes that everyone will love.

To get even more control of you and your children.

Quote by Club of Rome: "In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill....All these dangers are caused by human intervention....and thus the “real enemy, then, is humanity itself....believe humanity requires a common motivation, namely a common adversary in order to realize world government. It does not matter if this common enemy is “a real one or….one invented for the purpose."

They didn't. The effects are obvious... If you don't see them then I don't know what to tell you other than your dumb...

They didn't. It's a real phenomenon, science attempts to explain it. Right wing idiots attempt to ignore it