> Do ppl living in tropics hit puberty faster than ppl living in colder climate?10 pts?

Do ppl living in tropics hit puberty faster than ppl living in colder climate?10 pts?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
An interesting point and something that had never crossed my mind.

I spend quite a lot of time in Africa close to the Equator and in the Arctic – so both ends of the climate temperature spectrum; thinking about it, it does indeed appear that your supposition is correct.

Having looked for evidence that supports your statement I cam across different scientific publications that appear to confirm children, particularly girls, reach puberty quicker in hot climates.

? Age of Puberty in Tropics


? Eruption of Permanent Dentition and Menarche of American Children Living in the Tropics


? Menarche and Menstrual Type


? Age at Menarche: Genetic and Environmental Influences


Most of my friends (i live in the tropics) hit puberty at 12, some at 11. I guess it all depends on the person though, but in average 11-12-13. And those that hit puberty at 14 sure are late bloomers here.

I live in north india and so the avg age of hitting puberty here is 11-14.but I think this is true because my cousin who lives in new york had started at 13,but I started puberty at mid 12s.I THINK i would have hit puberty at 13 or 14 if I was in new york.

This section is for Atmospheric Global Warming. Not getting hot over some broad. There is a difference.

In this at http://www.1911encyclopedia.org/,it is given that puberty is faster in hot climates.so I was wondering if this is true.also it's quite rare to see a 10 or 11 yer old boy hitting puberty .There are ppl like that but rare here but one of my classmate who is from Thailand had hit puberty in 7th grade and told that it is quite commn there and person hitting puberty at 13 or 14 there is called a late bloomer which is the avg age here.