> What are some aspects of global warming?

What are some aspects of global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
http://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/20086... this is an article entitled "The Earth has a fever, Is there a cure?"

You may find some interesting facts and thoughts on the subject.

Btw this website has a wealth of info on various real life subjects that all of us experience.it gives answers that are truthful and helpful.

I think all would find it interesting.

Also this is a link to the library of other articles on this question. You can also search for other subjects of interest.

Hope you find this helpful. Have a good day!


The Earth has seen a big rise in temperatures several decades ago, however whether this AGW (from Co2) or intense solar activity,is not established yet.

Will the world be a in a better or worse state, well polar ice might melt, sea levels might rise, but then again habitable land might increase.

A warmer wetter world with more Co2 means an increase in plant life, according to satellite imaging this is already happening, deserts are receding, alders are growing in the tundra where before only moss could live.

So presumably that means we can grow more crops and feed more people.

It is not known yet if global warming would damage human and animal lives.

But what is known is that a colder earth would be a much worse place.

Colder Winters, more heavy snow fall. Shorter summers, ice cream costs going down.........oh wait we are not in the 70s anymore. Now everyone is paying money to stop Global Warming and not Global Cooling. Never Mind

Scientists, like James Hansen, lying to congress and cooking the books.

A lot of money going to the UN for no real reason.

Al Gore getting richer.

Us peons getting poorer.

Nations giving up their sovereignty to the UN.

A whole lot of misery for us common folks.

A whole lot of fun for the 2500 IPCC members as they fly off to club meds for their 'conferences', which haven't accomplish one productive factor in over twenty years.

A whole lot of propaganda and scare tactics.

A bunch of people going to bed scared at night.

shift of vegetation i.e. the hilly areas are now able to grow tropical plants due to the changing climate

the north and south poles are melting.

the water temperature is rising each year.

pollution, oi/,gas drilling/fracking, populations are rising.

That there is actually very little scientific evidence to confirm that it is actually really happening.

temperatures are rising