> Are people concerned about global warming "simple folk"?

Are people concerned about global warming "simple folk"?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Jello always forgets to mention that the Reptilians are the ones who manipulate reality, the Federal Reserve, the holographic fourth dimension from the hollow moon, and the sinister southpaw leanings of jackbooted UN helicopter-wielding Democrats with their hippie beads, their PC dunce hats, and their little red books. They are toothless tree-hugging pinkos but we need to be very very alarmed about what the Reptilians are doing to them and to our precious bodily fluids, unless Jello and the True Scientists copy-paste the same 20 Marshall Institute-Heartland-Wattsup "questions" here day after day, month after month, and give each other BAs.

Saying that the earth "has a fever" is more scientific and accurate than anything Deniers say.

For Deniers who think everything that happens anywhere on the planet is related in some way to Al Gore and a bunch of *isms that they cannot define but are scared to death of, being simpleminded would be an intellectual improvement.

If that's the implication what so ever, then I hate to hear the implication of what the deniers are.

Seeing as the only scientist denying climate change are all linked to big buisness that doesn't want to loose profit. Big buisness with a long history of screwing people over. Big buisness that has proven time and again it doesn't care about what happens to anyone but themselves.

You'd have to be an ostrich with your head up your own @ss to believe that climate change isn't real.

Jello is a diplomat. If the truth be know 'downright stupid' would be a better term.

This, "IE, NO REPUTABLE SCIENTIFIC ORGANIZATION NOW CLAIMS THAT AGW IS NOT REAL." Did you get this off of the Dorkster's talking points of the day memo?

When you have a fever, your temperature doesn't spiral out of control. You can just lie down, and it will go away in a few days.

People who think the Earth "has a fever", or that scientists are *claiming* that the Earth "has a fever" probably qualify as "simple folk". Actual scientists, not so much.

Again.....you bring up the "No Reputable Scientific Organization" stuff, and again I ask....'Where are the ballot results from the respective organizations membership votes??'

Were the individual members even allowed the opportunity to vote or did some administators take it upon themselves to insert their own rentseeking agendas??

So because Jello is against anthropomorphizing the planet, you think he is wrong? You think it is scientifc to do so?

As far as the positions of scientific bodies, I could care less. If AGW were going out for Miss America, then I would agree to this type of popularity contest.

As it stands, they are simply making over-generalized statements that amount to political clap-trap.

Y'all come back now! You he-ar!

i hate lying gov

jello says, "Saying the earth "has a fever" gives the planet human characteristics that brings out the compassion in simple folk."

Are those who understand the implications of global warming "simple folk"?


"The finding that the climate has warmed in recent decades and that human activities are already contributing adversely to global climate change has been endorsed by every national science academy that has issued a statement on climate change, including the science academies of ALL OF THE MAJOR INDUSTRIALIZED COUNTRIES."


"With the release of the revised statement by the American Association of Petroleum Geologists in 2007, no remaining scientific body of national or international standing is known to reject the basic findings of human influence on recent climate change."


Are all those scientists "simple folk"?

a village idiot is entertaining.