> Should governments be allowed to charge alarmists if CAGW is proven to be a hoax?

Should governments be allowed to charge alarmists if CAGW is proven to be a hoax?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
If scientists are found to be guilty of fraud, of deliberately misreporting data, of deliberately adjusting results, etc and if public policies have been implemented based on their recommendations to government then yes. Absolutely.

But we must make a distinction between scientific fraud and the process of science. All the evidence pointed to light being a wave. Then people like Einstein showed light was a particle. Then physicists like Feynman reconciled the two into a theory of quantum electrodynamics. Was the physicist 'Phenomenon' Young, who said light was a wave, wrong? No ... he was correct based on the available data at the time.

At the moment our data and theories strongly suggest that global warming is caused by human-based emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases. No alternative theory has emerged. And I mean a theory in the scientific sense - the identification of a phenomenon, a description of that phenomenon in terms of well established physical laws, the use of those laws to model this phenomenon, the ability to show that this model matches the experimental data, and a set of results that invalidate the alternative theory of AGW.

No. Because they would raise our taxes to pay their fines. Greenies never use their own money and detest people who do, like the Koch bros..

A better question would be, "Shouldn't we get our money back from these frauds like Mann, Hansen and East Anglia once we found out that they cooked the books?"

It can't happen because the government's would have to charge themselves as well.

What happens when it's proved not to be a hoax?

Do all you denialists get charged?

Looks to me like you are arguing for more government power over individuals, which I'm definitely against.

I'll take that bet - as long as Deniers are found guilty of treason for participating in a deliberate campaign to sabotage America's ability to plan for and respond to a known national security threat.

let's say they were right and damage to the planet is already done. Do you go after the deniers?

I'd rather take my chances that science is right.

I know it would be tough, and with the USA's unwillingness to prosecute bankers for the world economic collapse, not probable but would such a thing even be possible? Let's say someone took a long hard look at James Hansen's temperature adjustments and discovered that most were without merit. Since an increased trend in temperatures is the very basis of the alarmist movement and is why we are wasting billions fighting "Global Warming", could the government turn around and charge Hansen with fraud?