> Besides the greenhouse effect, what else is causing climate change and increased solar activity?

Besides the greenhouse effect, what else is causing climate change and increased solar activity?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Ocean cycles such as the Pacific decadal osccillation, the Atlantic Multi decadal osccillation, atmospheric cycles such as the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and the southern equivalents, galactic cosmic rays, volcanoes, solar activity (which is decreasing now) all have an effect CO2 is only a minor factor.

Believe it or not, live stock is a leading cause in global warming. Cow gas (farts) is one of the biggest issues towards global warming. i'm sure there are plenty more but this is one of my favorites, and also one of few affectors that i'm aware of.

Solar activity isn't increasing. It is decreasing.


land use change.deforestation.