> Is the world gonna end?

Is the world gonna end?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Well I'm gettin ready

Actually, the answer is "absolutely". When? How? We know that too.

Barring any apocalyptic event, the sun will start to run out of hydrogen fuel in about 1,000,000,000 years. Because of that, gravity will squeeze the sun until the helium created by hydrogen will begin to fuse, creating much greater pressure than previously created by hydrogen fusion.

The sun will now be much hotter on the surface and begin to expand. Much more heat will scorch the Earth. All the water on Earth will be boiled off.

The 5 billion more years quoted by some merely represents the full lifetime of our sun, by which time it will have swallowed Mercury, Venus, and Earth, the become a white dwarf.

If you fear for the continuation of human life, forget it. In 5 billion years, the Milky Way will collide and combine with Andromeda (twice as large) and all hell will break loose. It's not likely there would be any collisions (stars are just too far apart), but the gravitational energy created will heat up the new galaxy so much so as to sterilize it.

Yep, one day most certainly so. At some time in the future, a flaming meteor will enter the earths atmosphere, and ignite all those densely accumulated farts that have been drifting around the upper ionosphere for years due to the overpopulation on the surface of the earth.

On that day, we shall all go incandescent, and Guy Fawkes will get his own back.

According from what I read in a book many years ago , the sun will turn off and there will be no more sunlight and that will cause the plants to die and leave no oxygen and also the oceans will freeze , but do not worry it is expected to happen in 15 billion years

The planet has a few billion years to go, but life on the planet keeps changing and most of the life that once lived here is now extinct. If humans don't start paying attention soon, they could very well join the long list of life that once lived on Earth.

NO = Global Warming ended in 2012, confirmed by our Satelite reports 11/28/2012 that ICE Accumulating has returned after 36=1/2 years of Global Warming. All seasons have returned to normal naturally. Mike

One day it will end probably, or some type of apocalypse will occur causing the world to be different. I don't think you need to be worried but it is always good to have an emergency kit and know some fighting skills.

The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old, and it did not end in any of the previous years. By Bayesian statistics that would put the odds of it ending in the next year at less than 1 in 4.5 billion.

Eventually, in a couple billion years

Nope the world will just keep on turning

No. We have god's promise that it won't.

Eccl 1:4 One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever. KJV

Who are you gonna believe? God or Al Gore?

Well I'm gettin ready

Yeah, someday.

But it won't be caused by man-made Global Warming.

It's been cooling for at least 12 years.


Top climate scientists say there is no man-made Global Warming.

The Great Global Warming Swindle

I suspect we have another 5 billion years or so so I hope you don't mind waiting a while.