> Land and sea still controled or owned by brown people?

Land and sea still controled or owned by brown people?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
80% on this earth are brown people...10% are black and 10% r white...is this right ?

Based solely on the populations of continents then Asians make up 60% of the global population, Africans make up 16% and the remaining 24% are Americans (North and South), Europeans and Oceanians. These figures do not take into account people whose original ethnicity is not the continent they reside in (e.g. blacks in America, whites in Africa, Asians in Europe etc).

Simplified: In law, only the sea and ocean within 12 nautical miles of land is owned by that country – i.e. it’s their territorial waters and technically no-one can enter it without permission. Each country is responsible for the seas and oceans within 200 nautical miles of their coastlines and they have the economic and exploitation rights to that water, even though they don’t own it.

If the 12 or 200nm limits overlaps, i.e. when two countries are separated by less then 24 or 400nm, then the dividing line is drawn down the middle.

Because of this, most of the seas and oceans aren’t owned by anyone and are termed International Waters – anyone and everyone has equal access to them.

Ownership of land is more complicated but in most countries around the world the governments will be the largest land-owners and the majority of the remaining land will be owned by a relatively small number of that country’s nationals.

Here is a thought:

The west currently thinks it is all-powerful. However, the BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India and China) have as many people and as much land and therefore natural resources. They could effectively set up a parallel earth while ignoring the west almost completely.

And, have you seen "The Size of Africa"? Its area is bigger than the lower 48 US states ...

... plus all of Europe ...

... plus China and India all added together.

Ooh, I forgot Japan!

I am either brilliant white or red depending on how much sun I have had so I don't know where I fit in. I don't own any sea however. My hair is kind of brown or maybe blond or red and now I have some grey mixed in. I wonder how much the greys own.

I thought long and hard about your question, and frankly I don't think the fleeting exchange of money for land or sea makes any difference in the long run ,we are only here till nature has had enough of us then we will go the way of the dinosaur's,

"When have you ever seen a black or white person walking around? We are all brown. Just different shades of it"

This is what happens when people who do not understand differential equations are allowed to comment.

You forgot about the Lizard People: they control everything.

When have you ever seen a black or white person walking around? We are all brown. Just different shades of it. I'm what is classified as 'white' yet I am not white. I am more of a beigy colour. How about you?

Who cares who owns what? This is about AGW not racism.

80% on this earth are brown people...10% are black and 10% r white...is this right ?