> Is the change in y/a "Hiding posts" driven by an attitude toward climate change?

Is the change in y/a "Hiding posts" driven by an attitude toward climate change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
The random number generator running YA is off kilter. The Robot "Ask Mike" (the one who is not from the capital of Canada) is trying to fix this by reporting every 15th question of yours, and sending every 13th into the category Ethnic Cuisine instead. Trying putting "Oil Change" into the question line, parking your SUV in the direction of Wattsup, and listening to Fox News at least 10 hours per day. And can't you escape your southpaw predilections and throw away your little red-greenie book?

No, visit more of the answers (in many different categories) and will find similar BS in most. Lots of trolls on Yahoo Answers, lots who sprout the same sh1t with a different smell on many boards frequently.

I think the problem is that too many people got tired of wading through the BS to find genuine answers (not just in Climate Change but most categories)

No. I have noticed that short answers are the ones that get hidden, whether fore or against.

Are you trying to get your YA points to zero?