> What are some good websites abut global warming?

What are some good websites abut global warming?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Globalwarming.org is a fossil fuel industry funded anti-science propaganda site, run by non-scientist ideologues. It is a notorious front for Exxon and Koch and filled with deliberate disinformation about climate science.




Try a good science textbook or Wikipedia instead or these sites:




Good links here too:


And from the world's top scientists:

U.S. National Academy of Sciences, 2010:


“Climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for a broad range of human and natural systems.”


“Choices made now about carbon dioxide emissions reductions will affect climate change impacts experienced not just over the next few decades but also in coming centuries and millennia…Because CO2 in the atmosphere is long lived, it can effectively lock the Earth and future generations into a range of impacts, some of which could become very severe.”


“The Academy membership is composed of approximately 2,100 members and 380 foreign associates, of whom nearly 200 have won Nobel Prizes. Members and foreign associates of the Academy are elected in recognition of their distinguished and continuing achievements in original research; election to the Academy is considered one of the highest honors that can be accorded a scientist or engineer.”

Edit: Antarctice's answer is spot-on concerning BB's ignorant anti-science rant here that ignores the question and provides no links.

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Deniers have some very odd ideas, and these tend to be used by denial blogs to attract viewers

take BB's answer

"Wattsupwiththat.com is an excellent source....even though the Grant-Grubbers (Alarmist Hippies) cringe when it is mentioned."

How anyone with even a high school understanding science could be fooled by his nonsense escapes me, as for him posting pro and con views that's pure BS, the personal hostility he uses is not far below that used by BB.

Deniers tend to be of the view that expert views should not be trusted, there is a pretty common theme in denier answers and it relates to an anti-government, anti-tax and anti green ideology all of which they have a pretty thinly disguised hatred of, they seem to have this odd idea that Western Governments can simply keep taxes for themselves and that the U.N. is all powerful, when in fact the U.N. has no real power.

Do I cringe at watts, well yes, I cringe because there seem to be people with such a poor understanding of science and scientists that they actually believe what a crook like watts says, I invite you to follow BB's link and look for yourself, (good luck finding the "pro" articles.

The current lead story is trying to beat up what is imaginatively being called "climategate 3.0"

For info, climategate 1 was the theft of scientists personal emails which proved little other than they had a low personal regard for some lead deniers, these same deniers used these emails out of context or even edits some emails to make them sound sinister (rather supporting the reason scientists have a low view of lead deniers), which was pointed out by a full inquiry held on the matter. Climategate 2 was pretty much a non-event as the media remembered the fiasco of CG1 and would not touch it.

If you are doing a science essay then using info from watts is likely to get you a fail, watts ignores and ridicules real science, but happily quotes obscure people with no qualifications or from fields completely unrelated to climate or atmosphere.

Actual sites with real information would be ones like these.

This is the best one and covers all the general info


This covers Ice conditions in more detail


NOAA's site on yearly conditions


CDIAC's more detailed info on Co2


and Sea-level


and volcanic Co2 contributions


Note how these are not blogs but actual science sites, you won't get real science sites from deniers for the simple reason they don't have any, hence the need to use blogs, that is something to truly "cringe" about.

Newscientist magazine have a quite good general info list for the basics as well, covering many of the points deniers try to use.


Wattsupwiththat.com is an excellent source....even though the Grant-Grubbers (Alarmist Hippies) cringe when it is mentioned.

The site has sources for BOTH pro and con opinions/studies....etc.

Regardless of what at least one of the answerers to your question says, the site is definitely not a "denier" site.......that is.....simply put.....a LIE!

Check it out.

ADD: Antarctic is obviously one of those alarmists/activists that I referred. If the guy spent any time going through the site he would realize just how idiotic he has been in reference to the Watts site. I'm guessing that Antarctic has some dependence on Taxpayer Grant Money and needs to keep the myth alive??? I don't know....just guessing??

Obviously, Antarctic has spent little of no time checking out Watts or he is continuing to lie. It's gotta be tough having to consider the prospect of getting a private sector job.....where actual results are expected.

start with NASA or NCAR. Many universities with EDU domain- use google advance search

Wattsupwiththat is a classic denier site, cherry picking data, implying conspiracies- almost like FOX news. There is even a site dedicated to showing how bad WUWT (link)

the data on which the global warming campaign was based was found to be false, it was provided by the climatic research unit at east anglia university in england and they falsified ALL their results, there has been a half degree drop in temperature since 1998







http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;... (I posted a question asking people to give links to information at varying levels of experience)

"Wattsupwiththat" whether your anti or pro AGW as their reference pages have huge range of updated info on everything from ice levels, temps, solar conditions, ocean temps and conditions, atmospheric phenomena, its all there


I need this for my science essay QUICK!! I just need 2 more websites, so far I have www.globalwarming.org and that's it. Please give me some good sites! Feel free to give me more than 2 sites though XD