> With all this Global Warming, why are the Greats Lake 85% frozen?

With all this Global Warming, why are the Greats Lake 85% frozen?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
Why was most of North America covered with ice 30,000 years ago and then it melted without any help from human beings? When the earth got cooler instead of hotter over the past decade die hard "blame GW on human beings" proponents had to figure out a way to blame GW on the earth being cooler.

The Great Lakes have ice because it is wintertime! Ice coming and going has been that way for millions of years without any help from human beings at all!

Why was Alaska as warm as parts of Florida in Jan.? The cold air from the arctic shifted southward.

I"ve often wondered that myself. I tried asking Al Gore, but he couldn't finish a sentence. Most of what I gathered was that the last ice age in the Northern Hemisphere was caused by global warming too. It's all starting to make perfect sense somehow.

Your grasping at straws. For global warming to be false the earth would have to be having as many or more record cold temps as they have record warms temps. Oh wait, there are MORE record cold temps than record high temps this year???.....


Easy--because it has been cold in the area of the Great Lakes. It has been warm other places, including where I live.

Globally, January was the 4th warmest on record, and this has been one of the warmest winters so far in the northern hemisphere.

Al Gore told God that the earth has a fever. So God gave it an ice pack.

It's winter, or haven't you noticed? And do you know the meaning of "global", as opposed to "regional"?

Because it's winter and it is one of the coldest in a while. Most of the world had above normal and many rercord setting heat records

Because they are a tiny fraction of the globe. You morons still haven't worked that one out?

With all this CLIAMTE CHANGE why are we having an unusually severe winter?

That is the correct question to ask.

How is that relevant?

Maybe if this was July instead of February....