> Who knows more about science? Skeptics or True Believers of man-made Climate Change?

Who knows more about science? Skeptics or True Believers of man-made Climate Change?

Posted at: 2015-03-12 
As much as global warming believers try to imply they know more about science than non-believers, there's no basis for that claim.

Believers often have a few misconceptions about the science, like it's basic physics that CO2 will produce significant warming. The reality is that global warming alarmism relies on some very fancy theories of feedback and amplification to demonstrate any major warming.

Who needs surveys like that, when we can just see things on this site like ,'Warming hasn't stopped. The last C years are the warmest on record.'

When asked about whether Mann used data upside-down, they were incapable of making a determination for themselves, and instead spouted talking points from blogs.

When asked about hide-the-decline, they didn't understand what had happened, and when told about it, still couldn't understand it.

In fairness, I do not think this difference is significant, but I do think this goes to the basic problem with this topic.

There is a tremendous degree of uncertainty in this topic. Your understanding of science has little to do with how you approach uncertainty.

Guess which one of us has a college degree in a hard science, Maxx? Guess which one of us has taken a biogeochemistry class ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Biogeochem... )? Guess which one of us has a working knowledge of positive and negative feedbacks?

And I believe both of those articles are talking about the same study, not 2 different studies. I'd want to see more studies, a much more comprehensive study, and/or one with much more definitive results, before I concluded that "skeptics" had a better overall understanding of science than "true believers".

I would tend to say yes, but it seems to me that the vast majority of people are sadly ignorant about basic science. You could ask the man on the street how long it takes the Earth to orbit the sun and too few would get the answer right. It seems we have an agenda of ignorance in our public schools and they did a good job teaching it.

So you are asking about the average man in the street based on a survey done by a British tabloid which found out of 1500 people (averages joes/jills) that those that identified as skeptics 57% where classed as scientifically literate while 56% of those the paper classed as "believers" rated 56%, wow do you also enjoy watching grass grow or are you seriously going to try and play up a 1% difference.

Do you want to discuss some actual science, or just post the same old two YouTube links you use. Interesting that such a paper ( a source of denial info) does not ask scientists their views, guess they would like the answer they would get, given the story is obviously trying to play the the denier myth of AGW being a religion and scientists only being interested in science. but then I guess that denier have to try and play that card (among many) really answer the question who is really interested in science.

While deniers continue to play the, It's a religion, It's Al Gore, It's governments, It's Greens, It's communists, It's Scientists, It's HAARP, It's the Illuminati It's (insert this weeks excuse) viewed as whole the excuses denier play show them in their true light and it's one that is falling apart, which is why I thick the excuse are starting to sound more and more desperate.

Personally I think posters like yourself and billy and several others are worse for the denier cause than anything we post, you are losing all those who really are skeptics with your continual nonsense, thanks !

Hmmm, 8 thumbs down the troll is being very obvious today

Most of the population haven't even thought about it, they just swallow what they are told.

It requires a certain amount of critical thinking to be a skeptic, as you have to give explanations of why you are skeptical

Have an even better survey:

Those that are more objective about the issue.

Global warming Skeptics are BETTER-informed about science than believers


A previous study found basically the same thing


The more you know about science the less you worry about man-made Global Warming --- agree?
